Monday, January 25, 2010

Went to school meet up with him (: . Chatted in the classroom went down to assemble . Had science for the first period didn't bring my science worksheet . Was like wth ! Then had maths , was like figuring how to do . DAmmm blur . Had a pop quiz , obviously i didn't know how to do . F9's coming . HAHAH . RING ! Was reccess time ^^ . AFter reccess had chinese , watch some comedy video laugh like hell . Then had history didn't bring workbook . OMG . Then had assembly felt like sleeping . O.O ! Soon had RISE lesson and walked back with eileen to 201 bus stop and bused back to home sweet home .

I'll never forget today , i promise !
It was the best day i had .
The way you looked at me really
make my heart stops (:

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