Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Birthday's nearing and homework is piling up , HIGH HIGH up ~ ! HAHHAH just got my birthday presents from mummy and will get from daddy soon . ^^ I told him i wanna new phone and in fact he agreed (: Vanessa's birthday is tomorrow ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Vanessa . Hope your wishes come true . Went to school today , was earlier than i thought . Wahh heng mummy send me to school today or else i late liao . ((: hAd maths lesson and i'm going crazy , lot's of homework and rules and expectation so troublesome , but i dun mind luh . AND
he sometimes very funny . blah blah blah , let's fast forward to science . Went to the sciences lab , had to lit up the Bunsen burner but no matter how i try i just can't ! FRUSTRATED ! HAHAH while walking back saw him , he's so bloody cute luh ^^ hehehe . After science had geography was fun , but that guy called moses damm irritating . Me and Adelyn just can't stand him . But he's very funny at times (: During reccess ate with Rachael Joynessa and eileen lim , soo CUTE !!! ~ After reccess had English , English was fun , i love English lesson ! And then blah blah . Gotten into entrepreneurship club , Chinese dance and choir for the try out . HAPPY ! After school went back to home sweet home ^^

You're someone that I've fell so deep
that I just can't imagine .
I know we will never be . But I'll just take it
as an admiration which will be only kept by me .
You may just think of me as a normal girl .
But I'm someone who really admire you ! (:

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