Saturday, January 9, 2010

HAHAH ! Just woke up , like 10 minutes ago = TIRED . Wahh , had camp yesterday TOTALLY fun luh . Friday morning had to assemble at the PARADE square . Went to change into P.E tees started out with the talent thing , i think . If wrong uh sorry , I got STM . Then got invited to join choir . O.o . AFter that went to had the conselling talk , was like DAMM funny . CRacking jokes . Meanwhile was choosing which interclass to join , wanted captain's ball but in the end got into tagball , but not bad luh . DAMM fun . Yiting jie jie was the ambassador , she damm good ! (: hmm , let's fast forward to the camp cheers was like shouting like mad , at first didn't want to do but in the end . WAs totally ok with it . Had the pink panter dance ! hahahah i totally love it hahah ! ~~ The cheer was like so cool too luh . ^^ Lionel was like shouting so hard . o.O . oh ya oh ya before that had the team building games . (: FUN ! And then balh blah , soon light off . Was like tossing and turning couldn't get to sleep . I MISS MY BED . But in the end i slept ^^ . Next day had cca open house really didn't know wht to join . Chinese morden dance , choir , netball ? URGG not sure , any suggestion ?

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