Saturday, January 30, 2010

How i wish , someone could wake me up from this .urrgg , I give up . This's pathetic .

Let's continue, HAh , so all these while was just me being naive , that's all . It's true i should have just remain there though . That would be 100% better. I ask god why did i even change my thinking . I look up to the sky hoping it would help but i just made me cried more . I tried to sleep to make me feel better but i just couldn't sleep . Tears just came by and started flowing down my eyes . I know it can't be force but it really hurt . You didn't have to lied seriously ! Now you're just making me feel worst . I really do not know if i should curse and swear to hate or to just continue my naive thinking to continue this liking . Frustrating , but it's really stupid when you want to let go the feeling just keep holding back and when you want to move it's like as if you are stuck there unable to move at all , i really dun know .

Friday, January 29, 2010


HAHA , finally got this phone man ! Was like longing for this phone for about 5 months and it finally arrive in singapore . Was like shocked cuz the person told me 5 months ago that lg lollipop would not be availble in sg . HAHAHH . LOVE IT TO THE MAX ^^ hahah jie jie go save money buy luh . (: if not later out of stock ! ~ Thank you daddy , for buying the phone as soon as it was out in sg (:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jenelle : hello Thank you (:

hmm: finally found ys 2
hmm: i hate finding tags
hmm: stress
hmm: =)
hmm: HAHA
hmm: jkjk
hmm: wa lao... wsps is never gone lor
hmm: come back with me i can go in
hmm: guess who am i?
Jenelle : HAHAH . How you get my blog url ? LOL HAHAH . Anyways , it's not i say wsps gone
one is that stupid security say one luh . I'm just sayin wht he said HAHA (: HAHha yea bring me in one day ^^ And of course i know who you are . LIONEL TEO AHHAHA

Eileen !/♥: TAGGIE !(:
Jenelle : thank you (:

joynessaa!: Hello! Re-link me! Thanks. <:
Jenelle : oh okays soon ^^

Jenelle : hello ! loveeess (:

Rachel.T: HELLO JENELLE ! link me up. thankyou. loveyou.
Jenelle : oh okays . Soon HAHA (:

YITING: Ask me link u but nvr link me hor !! ~!@#$%^&*()_+
:hahas, jkjk la
Jenelle HAHAHA . SORRY (: Link you up soon (:

passer-by: hi nice skin but why do you keep changing your skin ?
Jenelle: hello ? ty anyways i change cuz i love changing them (:

HAHA . Went to school today . Eliza gave me birthday present . She said it's from the seniors THANK YOU (: HAHA eliza thank you you're the first one who wished me . HHAHA . Then went to class , studied all the way till music . When classed ended for music , miss sng suddenly played the b-day song was like shocked then i found out it was my dear vanessa who planned this . ^^ HAHAH anyways thank you (: After music had recess and after recess , studied again . All the way till classed end . Class ended followed vanessa to eat . After eating eileen and vanessa brought me to watson and bought me piglet (: HAHAH thank you . To vanessa : Fyi , i'm gonna buy you that man . I promise (: HAHAH and no reason to reject me you promise me liao (: heeheh . Thank you everyone (: Heheh .
Went home and now doing homework at the same time blogging (:
yea , your are right the school we once studied in is gone . HAH . LIARS . Your once said to us that if we miss school at any point of time we could just go back and visit you guys . But now as long as take one step toward the gate we would get chase out . It's like we're criminals or what . I mean i dun mind if we can't go back anytime we want but you guy didn't chase us out by shouting at us with that tone . Yea and you're right within 1 month i saw the truth that white sands is gone . HAH and the fact is you guys said that wsps is gone . FAKING A SMILE and leaving the school really hurts .
This feeling is seriously worst than the graduation day .
Forget it , this will just make me cry more if i brood about it .

Monday, January 25, 2010

Went to school meet up with him (: . Chatted in the classroom went down to assemble . Had science for the first period didn't bring my science worksheet . Was like wth ! Then had maths , was like figuring how to do . DAmmm blur . Had a pop quiz , obviously i didn't know how to do . F9's coming . HAHAH . RING ! Was reccess time ^^ . AFter reccess had chinese , watch some comedy video laugh like hell . Then had history didn't bring workbook . OMG . Then had assembly felt like sleeping . O.O ! Soon had RISE lesson and walked back with eileen to 201 bus stop and bused back to home sweet home .

I'll never forget today , i promise !
It was the best day i had .
The way you looked at me really
make my heart stops (:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

♥eliza: HAHA, me can help too (: Seniors are always here to help ^^ COME LAH COME LAH
Jenelle: haah , kays . ^^ baby valentine (: HAHHA

xuan lin {!} ♥: tsktsk... those three words... msn... it links... XD! goodie lucks! ♥ TAGS ANYWAYS
Jenelle: o.o ? ty for tagging ^^

joycelyn: hey hey tagged ! lolz married to u in facebook le!
why no my name in the beloved ones?
Jenelle : Yep , i know DAR DAR . :D sorry huh , i miss you out . But then put up le ^^

xuan lin {!} ♥: lol... spell KHOIRUL name wrongly...
Jenelle: opps , change already (:

vanessa: as ur best fren, i dun mind too!!
joycelyn, wait long long will hav jk
Jenelle : HAHAHA (:

Justin: YO!!! sis!! tagged! peace! :]
Jenelle: hello ! tyvm . PEACE (:

BRIAN: mei mei so long never tagg le 0.0 you must hate me -- *sweatdrop*
looks like i am not in your beloved ones huh? *glares
Jenelle : No lorhs . accidently miss you out ! HAHAHA .

Jenelle : yea babe ? thank you ! love you too . (:

Amabel:D: Heyys, Tagged:D
Jenelle: HELLO ! tyvm (:

vanessa: haha ya i rmb!! omg so funny!! hahahaah
Jenelle : ya . Funny funny . hmmp , angry liao luh . But then the security guard like no respond like that HAHAHA (:

joycelyn: hey dear, tag!
Jenelle : hey dar thank you .

Friday, January 22, 2010

HAHAHA . Had two brithday celebrations . One for bang xiang ^^ another for my cousin (: . Went to school as per normal . Found eileen , went class . Mosses and zhong han made me laugh like hell . Just cannot control . (: HHAHA . Had home econs made pizza bread . YUMMY ^^ hahahah . After home econs had reccess . Had chinese after reccess, was like playing during chinsese . ALL BEACUZ OF MOSES , =.='' . Then after chinese we have english . Bell rang , me and eileen ran to buy piglet for him (: hahha . then went back school and stuff the soft toy into my bag . HEHEH . After singing the song gave him the piglet . HAHA . Vannesa dun forget to tell him you are included too ! (: Had CCA attachment was learning how to make a balloon dog . At 4 release went to walk around the school . Vannesa bought maggie mee and shared with me THANK YOU ! ily (: hhahah . Saw eliza and lionel we tickled him . (: Walked around the school again , vannesa ask me to greet the teacher and i actually bow to greet the secruity guard instead of the teacher . WAHhH lao damm pai seh man . LOL then at 5.45 left for grandma house . BAck at home sweet home .

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Currently sick , unable to go to school .
Haix , stomach is hurting . Seriously hurts . Haix .
How i wish i could go to school . Grrr . I will miss ya
Girlfriends . ^^ hahaha . Not to forget my dar dar too hehehe .
I love you dar dar . (:
Hopefully i'll see you ALL tomorrow ya ? (:

Like the tides my heart is broken .
Like the wind my heart is shaking .
But no matter how hard i try to forget
it comes back and never erases like a tattoo .
I sigh deeply and the ground shakes
My heart is full of dust .
I'm so sorry but i love you .

Sunday, January 17, 2010

joycelyn: hey tagged!
Jenelle : heyhey tyvm ! (:

Passer-by: hello ! nice skin
Jenelle : oh hi , thank you .

RACHEL!: JENELLE! i feel so frustrated ! its like "she" doesnt know me:(
Jenelle : Chill man ! though i'm telling you this but i also cannot chill HAAH

XUEWEN !: HELLO! . tagged loveyah .
Jenelle : HELLO ! tyvm , love you too ! ~

♥eliza: Come lah come lah
Jenelle : hahhah , idk (:

adeebah: Relink me auntie
Jenelle : okays uncle ! (:

Celine K :): link me.thanks!
Jenelle : oh okays ^^

vanessa: jenelle chill... as u said, th ans-th 3words- is said right in ur 'face' so jus believe it and ans . how u feel/ feeling now ok
Jenelle : haix i really dun know luh . SIGH .

YITING: hihi ~ feel confuse feel free to come and find me anytime will help u anytime (:
Jenelle : hello ! thank you . I'll if needed . ^^

Eileen !/♥: waaaaaaaa , relax even though i oso dk wat happen :X jus like accept the fact lorh , i oso can help , u DDDDDDD relax larh .
Jenelle: okays thank you too . (:

joycelyn: hey tagged!
Jenelle : hey girl . Thank you !

RACHEL!: HAHAHA, suresure! You must also seriously RELAX TO THE MAX! if there's anything call me kays? but tomorrow and wednesday have camp after that can call already meet up sometime go shop kays?:D
Jenelle : HAHAH , okays i will try to relax . I can't continue like this too . I will breakdown HAHA . Oh yea sure we'll meet up soon ! ~

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I really dun know . I'm like confuse or something . Haahh , The answer is like right at my face but i'm just pretending i dun know anything . But i was wondering were you kidding me toying me or playing with me . When you said that three words to me my heart almost stop . But is it true ? IDK and the way i react it's because i'm really in a confusion . I may sound happy but in fact my heart have lots of things . I REALLY DUN KNOW ! MIXED . Rachel ! Karin ! Chloe ! Eileen ! Vannesa! how the hell am i supose to react man !!! uuhhh anyways thank you for being by my side all these while . ^^ Rachel , chill ! You can do it (:

wht the hell should i do . I really
dun know . It's really a complication .
Should i smile or should
i start crying .
All i know now is my heart is broken
but i really love you

Friday, January 15, 2010

Justin: YO!!! sister from another mother!! tagged!! peace! remember to stay positive!!
Jenelle: HELLO brother ! Kindly appreciated . and I will thank you (:

koi: awesome
Jenelle : yup AWESOME ! ~ (:

♥eliza: Haha , i contribute to th cheers also lor ! I shout till i no voice for 4 days D:
IM SUCHA LOUD SENIOR ! Haha , anyways , tagged ! Come chinese-modern dance laaaaaaa :D
Jenelle: HAHAHA. Yep eliza the best ! hahah thank you for tagging ^^ hehhe oh ya idk (:

Celine K :): U spelled my name wrongly :D
Jenelle: opps sorry ! ~ :)

chloe: hihi
Jenelle : hello ! ^^

Jenelle : HELLO RACHEL ! Thank you . ^^ got lots to say hahaha . Meet up sometime ya ? (:
Passerby: hello ^^
Jenelle: err hello ! (:

Janelle: Hello , saw your blog url from facebook .. (: , link me , thanks !
Jenelle: Hello Janelle ! linked (: Btw your welcome ^^

Eileen !/♥: heyhey lovelove
Jenelle: heyhey LOVES ^^

karin: hey jus wanna sae hi.wah u make so much frens ar:)rmb me k?bb
Jenelle : hello ! LOL . Of course i will remember you luh . It's a chopstamp one . Oh yea got lots to tell you . call me kay ty ! (:
Had fun but was pissed off at times man !
Went to school at 6.45 today .
Saw eileen , went to put my books in mr sulyman pigeon hole . Went to find him , with vannesa .
Went to class after flag raising and started the class with history .
Was like controling my tears man ! I really can't stand it .
I'm sorry !
She started confroting me . Thank you but sorry too .
Hahh , was like really pissed .
Ehhhh , let's jump to when the seniors were coming .
Played catching we were like hitting khoirul with the stick and then we even accidently
broke the broom . ^^
Then eileen started to take lionel tie and ran away HAHAH. she just so cute . My little sister .
Not long later when down and played some kind of things .
Then went for CCA attachment .
Was real bored there , i really can doze off any mintute.
Finally it ended went to see people play basketball .
Then went home .

I really dun know if it's like a crime or something
having to fall for someone .
Uhhh , it really pisses me off

Thursday, January 14, 2010

You are really making me DDAAMMM confuse now ! Grrrs should i or should i not ! @#@!#@$%$^%&%$@!$@#%@ . Wth man . You made me give up yet now ? It's like a fantasy . I'm really in a confuse state . MIXED . Should i call or not . Why the hell did i talk to you or maybe ask you about it . It's true that curiosity always kills the cat . What should i do . Eileen , i really dun know how ! ):
Hey peoples had CCA attachment yesterday . Went to choir , was not bad after all but i'm still considering . ^^ During choir was fun , the Seniors there were very heart warming and HIGH . HAHAHA . Kays let me talk about today , went to school as usual . Had lessons , English was fun so was literature , Was like writing weird stories . Had a great laugh with adelyn , zong han and that moses . We were like pushing everything to zong han again . ((: Then had recess was with dearest Vanessa . Soon found my cute little sister Eileen Lim ! Heeeehh . After recess ended proceed to class for Chinese class didn't like Luan lao shi at first though but now she like kinda nice and fun . After Chinese had maths . GODD , mr sulyman or however you spell that . He gave us lots of homework wth man ! Worst thing is i didn't copy the notes he gave . Tsk tsk tsk , Gonna copy from Eileen Lim tomorrow . ^^ Going have entrepreneurship attachment tomorrow ^^ , I hope it's gonna be fun . Random kay back to SFL class , did lots of clouring and writing ! Stayed back for a while and then went back with , Eileen Koh . That's all (:

I'm falling deeper real deep .
I just can't pull myself out of this .It's
like i'm obsess or something . What's happening
to me ! ~ This is really starting to make me feel mixed !

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Birthday's nearing and homework is piling up , HIGH HIGH up ~ ! HAHHAH just got my birthday presents from mummy and will get from daddy soon . ^^ I told him i wanna new phone and in fact he agreed (: Vanessa's birthday is tomorrow ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Vanessa . Hope your wishes come true . Went to school today , was earlier than i thought . Wahh heng mummy send me to school today or else i late liao . ((: hAd maths lesson and i'm going crazy , lot's of homework and rules and expectation so troublesome , but i dun mind luh . AND
he sometimes very funny . blah blah blah , let's fast forward to science . Went to the sciences lab , had to lit up the Bunsen burner but no matter how i try i just can't ! FRUSTRATED ! HAHAH while walking back saw him , he's so bloody cute luh ^^ hehehe . After science had geography was fun , but that guy called moses damm irritating . Me and Adelyn just can't stand him . But he's very funny at times (: During reccess ate with Rachael Joynessa and eileen lim , soo CUTE !!! ~ After reccess had English , English was fun , i love English lesson ! And then blah blah . Gotten into entrepreneurship club , Chinese dance and choir for the try out . HAPPY ! After school went back to home sweet home ^^

You're someone that I've fell so deep
that I just can't imagine .
I know we will never be . But I'll just take it
as an admiration which will be only kept by me .
You may just think of me as a normal girl .
But I'm someone who really admire you ! (:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

HAHAH ! Just woke up , like 10 minutes ago = TIRED . Wahh , had camp yesterday TOTALLY fun luh . Friday morning had to assemble at the PARADE square . Went to change into P.E tees started out with the talent thing , i think . If wrong uh sorry , I got STM . Then got invited to join choir . O.o . AFter that went to had the conselling talk , was like DAMM funny . CRacking jokes . Meanwhile was choosing which interclass to join , wanted captain's ball but in the end got into tagball , but not bad luh . DAMM fun . Yiting jie jie was the ambassador , she damm good ! (: hmm , let's fast forward to the camp cheers was like shouting like mad , at first didn't want to do but in the end . WAs totally ok with it . Had the pink panter dance ! hahahah i totally love it hahah ! ~~ The cheer was like so cool too luh . ^^ Lionel was like shouting so hard . o.O . oh ya oh ya before that had the team building games . (: FUN ! And then balh blah , soon light off . Was like tossing and turning couldn't get to sleep . I MISS MY BED . But in the end i slept ^^ . Next day had cca open house really didn't know wht to join . Chinese morden dance , choir , netball ? URGG not sure , any suggestion ?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gossshh , school work are piling up , LOts of work to do . Sigh , all the teachers in ESSS have so high expectation . Kays not all but most and they are all strict in a way . HAHAHAHA . Today went to school was late because of the stupid jam . ARRGG . =.='' . Anyways after that went to class had geography lesson . MY GOODNESS the first time if never bring books must get punish to stand outside the class and become so called "outstanding" pupil! wth . Never give chance uh , same for literature . Ms cheong is so dramatic luh . HAHAAH BUT ... she's very cute ! hehehe . Then for the english teacher she's very nice though and pretty (: . And blah blah blah . Lots of rules and regulation , from all the teachers . STRESS . Some homework I do not even know how to do luh . ):

Friday, January 1, 2010


Currently watching full house . LOVE it to the maxxx ! hahahah , finally understand why mummy was engrossed with it last time . Some parts damm funny . I LOve KBS world . hahahha , they showed the show for almost the whole day . Han Ji Eun is so cuttteee . Though kinda her life is full of surprises but it's just so cool ! heheheh . Erm kays let's get back to reality , I dun really like ESSS uniform . It's like so damm big , so mummy had to tailor it . hahaha thank you . Now it looks better than before (: aiyo , i really dun wan school to start so fast leh , i still got lots of things to do ! ~ ARGGGS . sigh .