Monday, May 10, 2010

Pissed off == Mum has been unreasonable these few days . Totally insane , wow i didn't know saying a no is an offence yea ? Hah whatever luh , since young whatever i say or comes out from my mouth you would always find it wrong . I was wondering then why didn't you born me as a mute then i wouldn't be able to argue back with you . DAMM you . I mean like seriously everything everytime always the same old thing . I'm tired of it i didn't argue with you u're the one who seemed so angry . =.='' Enough of her i guess pooff had maths and chinese today both paper was alright . I could manage the both of them ^^

Blog's dead i'm so gonna close it soon
Thinking of the brightest side , I've bought the I-touch . Woohoo but i can only recieve it next week cause it's out of stock though i've paid (: Was like pleading mum like shit till she agreed . Next Lollipop is back and the camera is absoulutely fine now ^^

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