Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nothing much happened today in school , it was a short day so i've nothing much to say about today . Except for Breakfast , playing and cleaning . It was kinda alright ? I'm not that sure too cuz i had no mood to play neither clean ><

Even when i close my eyes , you seems like you're infront of me
Even when i close my heart you seems like you're inside me
Wherever I go you seems to be in my memories
You're inside me .
I want you , I need you , I love you , I miss you .
Yes I'm crazy , crazy over you .
I Blame my heart for not accepting anyone else but you .
My mind tells me to let you go but my heart holds you on .
It hurts when i look at you , i fall short of breath , please hold on tight to my hand cuz i really need you .

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