Friday, May 21, 2010


School was alright today except for all the dancin' session which totally made my brain gone insane . Was totally confused by all those steps :x Science and geography were a total boredom there . Literally did nothing there and classroom was stuffy ]'; Having to inculde someone which made me felt more unconfortable =='' A suckish day , Bitches pissing me off >< cca =" Feeling lethagic"><'' Time passed slowly during cca while lesson today somehow just flew pass . I guess i shan't blabber more , that's about all i about doze off soon thanks to today suckish day :D

To someone : Stop showing me attitude dumb ass . Think i will fall for him fat hope . Don't even think about it . Wanna break me up with him say luh . I can give him to you or should i say let him to you by all means . It's whether he wants you anot . Oh yea and have some sense of originality stop copying me ^^ thankyou ttvm . I have said my piece .

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