Monday, May 31, 2010

Jenelle's sick again how great .

Alright so I've fall ill again . The Boredom's killing me hate that murderer .
I'm gonna haunt you maybe not , i would never want to find you Mr boredom :D
Sigh I'm missing him so much but is it the end ?
I'm not too sure too but it seems like if we're gonna carry on like this i would rather give up .
Everything is just making me feel exhausted . Time and Time again it's repeating .
As i watch things becoming meaningless , my heart aches
It's somehow everlasting . ==''
Everything seems so complicating . I wished i could just turn back time .
And if i could i wouldn't want to know you because things would turn out being easier i guess ?
And i would save up alot of tears .

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sigh forget it , everything getting worst as the days goes by . Sometimes i really wonder if i wasn't born would things turn out better ? I guess so , maybe things would turn out way better . I cry softly as i pray the next day would turn out better . I playback everything that have happened and felt sick and tired of everything . Having to be alone at home always . Mum out to work , dad's out to work , sis out to study and play , bro dun even think about it i hardly see him . Leaving me all alone at home all day long , sometimes i wonder what they really treat the house as ? A hotel ? To leave when u wan and to come back only when you need to sleep ? When i was young i used to thought i have everything and I'm the happiest girl in the world . But soon reality comes to get me out of my naive thinking . The world wasn't such a nice place after all Nobody knows how i feel or can understand how i feel . All i ever wanted is some care and concern from your is it that impossible ? It's seriously disappointing . I'm like a broken soul with her hidden tears , faking a smile to show everything is alright . Just then when i knew I'm about to fall , who would come save me ?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Things are getting crappy . Life is getting boring . It suck ttvm . Things are making me feel bloody vexed . I miss you . It's kinda funny that i still remembered what you said to me . This is how it goes but it's with the help of my rephrasing here and there " I will teleport to you in a minute if i really could . I will sit beside you hugging you not letting you go ." Hah , but Now it seems like your presences appeared like a dream to me .

Sigh i'm seriously missing you >< .
You are drug in my life & y
our love somehow became my addiction .
Now all I need is you to hold me tight .
Cuz I really need you , I love you !

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nothing much happened today in school , it was a short day so i've nothing much to say about today . Except for Breakfast , playing and cleaning . It was kinda alright ? I'm not that sure too cuz i had no mood to play neither clean ><

Even when i close my eyes , you seems like you're infront of me
Even when i close my heart you seems like you're inside me
Wherever I go you seems to be in my memories
You're inside me .
I want you , I need you , I love you , I miss you .
Yes I'm crazy , crazy over you .
I Blame my heart for not accepting anyone else but you .
My mind tells me to let you go but my heart holds you on .
It hurts when i look at you , i fall short of breath , please hold on tight to my hand cuz i really need you .

Monday, May 24, 2010

Today sucks ttvm , thanks to my injured leg . >.<
I still love you and i want you .
But Should i put an end here cuz I'm tired of everything .
I really have lots of things to let you know .
Will u listen ? Will u understand ? I hope so .. sigh

Saturday, May 22, 2010

YunLi: Hello, Jenelle
Jenelle: Hello chiobuu !

Ultimate CJ : yoh , here to say : you rockkk chio bu , tagged .
Jenelle : aww thankyou my ultimate CJ . You rock more ^^ . By the way I'm not chio :D

'A. : Yaw supergirl (hearts) Amable here . Lovedieyou . :D
Jenelle : Hello supergirl ! [<3]

Joynessa : HELLO :)
Jenelle : Hello :D

Vanessa hoo: Hello ^^ tagged
Vanessa hoo : thankyou .

Eileen koh : Nice skin :D
Jenelle : heh , thankyou xD

Ultimate CJ : tagged for jenelle :) . Cute skin :D
Jenelle : thankyou my beloved ultmate CJ (:

Qipei : Hello junior <3
Jenelle Hello senior ! thankyou <3

Vanessa hoo : taggies ! chocolates loveyeah
Jenelle : thankyou loves

Yunxuan : Junior , Tagged :>
Jenelle : thankyou senior ! <3

Nothing much happen today , as usual i went through my daily routine . But i did something exception today which makes me a real good girl . ^^ I did almost all the house hold chores . POOF ! I'm dead tired . Jenelle's proud of herself * she have never done all the house hold chores before :x I Initially planned to go out with mummy but it seems like she would come back home late so I decided to stayed at home to prepare for school tomorrow . (:

Friday, May 21, 2010

Somehow we're like drifting apart , the topic we're talking about are rapidly repeated again and again . I'm sick and tired of trying so hard to fixed the shattered glass fragments together whenever it's broken . It's like you have treat me too well , too well till i really do not know how to react . Sometimes i even doubt myself if i'm good enough for you . You may be thinking everything is alright but actually thoughts are running through my head in high speed . Somehow i just can't stop thinking . It's somewhat like a bullet train . Just that it's unable to stop that's all . The feeling you gave me last time was absouletly great . Now having to think back i have you but somehow i want the old you back . I miss you ><
I love you seriously i do , but i'm really lost . Is it because i do not know how to express it ? or is it because i'm not good enough for you ? I'm seriously in a lost world , you pulled me into a navie world . I thought everything was like a fairytale with a happy ending behind every story . I loved the way you used to be , but i really dunno things change as time change . I dunno how but it somehow changed . Now all i can do is just watch my tears fall down my checks maybe that's the only way i can express my feelings now . I told myself the navie world doesn't exsisted at all . I doubt i even know what world was i in . If i haven fell in love with you things wouldn't be so hard would it ? I already have him but somehow i still wan him . What's wrong ><

School was alright today except for all the dancin' session which totally made my brain gone insane . Was totally confused by all those steps :x Science and geography were a total boredom there . Literally did nothing there and classroom was stuffy ]'; Having to inculde someone which made me felt more unconfortable =='' A suckish day , Bitches pissing me off >< cca =" Feeling lethagic"><'' Time passed slowly during cca while lesson today somehow just flew pass . I guess i shan't blabber more , that's about all i about doze off soon thanks to today suckish day :D

To someone : Stop showing me attitude dumb ass . Think i will fall for him fat hope . Don't even think about it . Wanna break me up with him say luh . I can give him to you or should i say let him to you by all means . It's whether he wants you anot . Oh yea and have some sense of originality stop copying me ^^ thankyou ttvm . I have said my piece .

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dun snatch her away ! You bully her you die :x
I love her to the very max so dun you dare bully her ^^

Dun bully her neither snatch her ! I love her to the very max too
Aww she's so cute :D

Hmm so exams are finally over which means i'm free from mugging my homeworks and revision :D POOF that's a huge sign of relieve ^^ . Home's getting boring ]'; I wanna get some fresh air outside . xD Hehe chatted with mama the whole morning . She made my day love her ttvm ! ~ ^^ Kekeke .

Friday, May 14, 2010

GLEE ! ~~

I hate you . I hate you .I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you .I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you .I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you . I hate you .
, I seriously do .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm a relatively good girl nowadays (: I did clip my hair ^^ Had history paper was alright except for the last question , HAHA ! For the last question i totally wrote crap there :x I didn't study yesterday and i ended up sleeping ]'; hehe . So in the end i didn't know how to do the last question . I literally just wrote they both work together . When it's a 10marks question . How clever am i =.='' . I didn't know what the hell is Funan and srivijaya AHHA ! Nevermind but i knew the infront part ^^ Hopefully the front part can pull my marks up xD. After the paper we went to mac to eat . I bought big breakfast (: Next went to eileen house and then my house (: Took lots of pictures was like totally cam-whoring ^^ shall post it soon xD

I miss you .
I love you .
I want you .
I need you .

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pissed off == Mum has been unreasonable these few days . Totally insane , wow i didn't know saying a no is an offence yea ? Hah whatever luh , since young whatever i say or comes out from my mouth you would always find it wrong . I was wondering then why didn't you born me as a mute then i wouldn't be able to argue back with you . DAMM you . I mean like seriously everything everytime always the same old thing . I'm tired of it i didn't argue with you u're the one who seemed so angry . =.='' Enough of her i guess pooff had maths and chinese today both paper was alright . I could manage the both of them ^^

Blog's dead i'm so gonna close it soon
Thinking of the brightest side , I've bought the I-touch . Woohoo but i can only recieve it next week cause it's out of stock though i've paid (: Was like pleading mum like shit till she agreed . Next Lollipop is back and the camera is absoulutely fine now ^^
I'm so gonna fail maths , yeap ]';

Haizz today paper was tough , i guess . I don't get what they're saying . In every question it seems like there's a BIG question mark in my head . The worst part is that i didn't even tie the paper properly =.='' How great huh ? ><'' I'm so gonna fail it ! ~ URGGG .. Unless tomorrow i can get the full 4omarks which is totally impossible yeap ? My construstion was like crap the answers i answered was also crap . Totally fcuked up ><><'' Nah , never mind i should be optimistic ^^ I shall get the full 40 marks tmr MUAHAHAH . Jenelle's out to get you BEWARE XP Hehe , as for geography it was totally easy , all the answers could be found in the textbook if you did study . And obviously i did so Hurray (: I'm gonna pass it i think :x

Friday, May 7, 2010

POOF ! ~ Had school today everything back to normal (:

Met him today , aww guilty i was late cuz i overslept . How great huh ? It's constantly 2 days i have been taking that seat . Sorry ! ~ Heheh Lqq didn't catch me for my socks today she didn't even give me a damm . But i still can't forget how she caught me yesterday ><'' pissed off i literally show her attitude . So back to the point today , she just put the whole stack of file on my bag and said lend me your bag to put the files . Then i was like showing her the O.O and =.= face . MUAHAHA . So had science and english paper today . It was okay though but still i dunno . Just pray i pass :D Tried to force out my voice today hahah i have a really bad cough . D: After exams we went to mac to slack heheh . Eileen lim is getting a doggy ^^ RAAAARRR blehxz my dog is gonna still be better -- Jokes :D ROAARRR .. ^^ Next receive an sms from mummy that i didn't bring key . Rush home before 2.30 mummy was still at home . Pooff if not i'm gonna be stuck there

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Had a hard time convincing mum for a i-touch ><
Mum said it like this " buy a laptop better i rather you buy a laptop , i mean i would let you
buy a laptop and not that small thing "
Me "huh , what small thing ?! it's an i-touch mummy !! ARGG please laptop can luh but then aiya just please . "
*brings me in to courts *
Mum : see so nice , you see which one nice then we decided okayy ?
Me : huh , i wanna i-touch not a lappy top ]';
Mum : dun bargain ..
Me : =.='' *thinks okayy fine laptop but when will we go and buy it >< *

HAHA , went sentosa at night with family , Was like idling outside the universal studios i felt so london the way they desgin it was like so london-ish >< , was like a total fansty ((: