Friday, April 24, 2009

HELLO ! Haiz , today went to school as usual , luckily didn't late :) ! HAHAS . Then had our lesson as usual , when to science lab so fun lahs , cause all my darlings sitting with me ! Had a very fun time cause like keep on chatting and teacher didn't even notice ! HA , so good rite ? JOKING :) Anyways later when we went for recess suddenly something serious happened ( dun want say) so later Rac. stomach pain so I follow her go and put oilment :) then go back class ! Muahhahaha! Had math lesson , guess what I just passed my math test :( 29.5 not good , smsed soufy in math class hahas ! *SAD* Later after math went to computer lab , so cooling lahhs , cause got AIR CONDITIONAL mahs :) . And then blah blah blah ...

After school went to buy ice-pop , then it like the Q so long lahhs , then later almost everything ran out of stock except the pineapple , aiya then nevermind lorhs buy lahs . WALKED home with tabitha had a very nice talked and then suddenly this "SO NOT IRRITATING PERSON" came to us and keep chasing us and want to follow me home , it like what the hell lahhs . What wrong with u , Mary ? =.= HAIZ , then now back home , what a long day so damm tired . Feel like sleeping .

Arhhs~ going to have health check-up on Monday ! NO~ I dun want ! After school still got oral examination lehhs . :( Anyways , i got some coment to say , if u dun want to hear then forget it ! Heys , ......what's wrong now ? U trying to say that i'm like the mean one here lahhs , huh ? Excuse me lahs , u weren't even behind me during the science lab the time lahs , even if u were who ask u stand there so quitely ? U dun want talk then how ppl know that u behind of ppl ? U TELL ME ?? I'm not GOD i dun have so many eyes to see who following me behind . And BTW Ning and Jia yi want to sit there how can i just possibly just ask them to shoe ? Use ur brain lahs , they are rac. close friend lehh ! IMAGINE u are me will u shoe them , U can say u dare lahs, but u are not in the position of me ! U may have the guts to do that , but i dont !And if u say that u went to that table first means that i was not with u cause i was waiting for someone !

AND i want to sit with rac , why can't I ? Do u mean that i can't have other friends expect u ? I really dun know lahs . *PISSED OFF ! And it like what u mean like I dont want to lent u a listening ear , heys come on lahhs , if u want ppl to hear u out u must tell ppl wht where got ppl when nothing happen then keep on asking "heys u ok anot? " that one is really crazy cause it like how ppl know ??! I admit that i may be drifting away from u but i didnt not treat u as invisible , it just that most of the time we are in separate groups and the rest of the time i have to go to rac. and sometimes u will come in but then u also dun want to talk , Then u expect me to talk ? If u want to talk to me the n u should take the initiative to talk to me first what ? Then now what all my fault lahs ,that ning and jia yi sit there ? ARHHS~~ dont knoe lahs *PISSED OFF

HEYS AND LET ME TELL U IF U SAY NOW I'M SCOLDING U I DUN KNOW WHAT TO SAY CAUSE LIKE I' JUST STATING THE FACTS TOO ;(! IF U THINK IT , ITS ALL MY FAULT THEN I DUN KNOW LAHS . AND I'M NOT SCOLDING U ! =.= seriously dissapointed in u , how could u think that of me . AND WHEN U WANTED TO TALK TO SUANNI , THEN U SAW ME WHT U CAN'T FORGIVE ME ? seriously u didnt talk to me and then u angry with me ? then u now still say that u cannt forgive me so u dun want talk to suanni ? AND so now what ? u didnt talk to suanni is my fault again cause i'm there ? I meant is like u want to talk to her then talk lahhs~ ! Please lahhs , i'm seriously damm dissapointed * sad* .. in u lahhs, so now everything is all my fault ? ALL this happen because u didnt want to use ur initiative ! (no offence ) :) but i dun knoe lahhs ! and anyways , if u want to say sorry , fine" SORRY " ! and i'm just so dissapointed in u ! :(

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

HELLO people , so long never blog le , hahas ! Had a very good chat my darling , I'm like so crazy when i talk , cause like talking to my soft toys HAHAHA . Then my darling ask me stop , then we hang up hehe . ALL BECAUSE OF WHO ?? (me lahs) Yesterday went to garden , LAWLS so boring , cause went inside so many time cause my childhood friend ( Jana ) got the keys so every time can go in de so nothing special for ME . Today , my Chinese teacher never come it like so coincidence every time test then never come then Mdm Trena will combine class with us . So cool at AVA , hahas sat in front of my darling . *boring *Anyways called Wen Hui Wenni so she call me Jenellely :) Yays ! Tomorrow got my favorite lesson art ! :) Can't wait ! hahas . *HAPPY

Arhs , yay had mdm hafiza had a agreement with us cause if we all pass our exams , will have PIZZA PARTY . :):) Gosh !! happy !! :) Lawls i must lex . Actually quite tired but then surprisingly still can blog . Later must watch M.I.T. dammn nice ! When to the library , then sat with my DARLINGS ! :) BORED , hope my darling can like just appear immediately ! But nopes , it would not happen "ti ting"! okies , must go do homework be guai girl le :) hehe ! cya

Saturday, April 18, 2009

HEYS people ! Finally can post le hahas , YAY today went out with my beloved grandma and my cutie cousin Cheryl . Arhhs she just so damm cute lahhs , I can't wait to see her tomorrow cause I'm going to my grandma hus every Monday ! My grandma food is the BEST , NO ONE can replace her . But now very fool dun feel like thinking of food cause ate too much just now hahas ! NOT FAIR my sis is like getting ICE-CREAM phone I also want ! (nevermind when my contract end then maybe lollipop will come by the time muahhahaha ! ) I tell u , my phone will be better HA ! But sadly if it dun come i will still look for a pinky phone . HEHEHE!

Haiz , STRESS my exams coming , how i wish there is no such thing as exam then my life will be so nice but sadly , the exams had made my life terribly MISERABLE ! U know what now i very very or can i say CONFUSE i seriously dunno if you are consider as my ********* :( haiz but all i know is I LOVE U (cheesecake ) hahas . OPPS , nowadays playing the angel game it fun for some people , but not for me lahhs , u know why ? BECAUSE , my angel have not even write ONE pathetic letter to me , IDOITIC ! IT LIKE WHAT the hell , not fair , sobbing ! ANYWAYS , guess I'll just face it :[ ! and CYA people :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

HEYS ppl sorry , long time never blog le hahas . VERY BUSY nowadays being piled up with lots of homework ! Haiz , yesterday rain so heavily lahs , then i went to tuition and i was like soaking wet . HAHAS luckily , never get sick~! AND 1 more thing i wanna say I LOVE U ( cheesecakes )
! But just sometimes , i just don't feel secure SERIOUSLY ! But u're give so ..... haiz , no word can describe u hahas ! And cheesecake the name really very cute~, that why I insisted that ur name should be that !! HAHAS .
NO~!!!! School going to start in like 1 more day time ! Quite happy because I'm able to see all my darlings hahas , but then that also mean my exam are getting closer and closer and my stress is getting more and more ! How I really wish there no exams , but it quite impossible actually so i guess nevermind , I will just try my best jia you !! HEHE . U know what i feel very cold and my head very pain guess , I'm getting sick soon !! :(
okies , i guess that all , cya ! I'll will be looking forward to see my darlings~~ hahas !! opps , before i forget , I really want the lollipop phone which is in korea that big bang is advertisting hahas damm nice lahhs ! they even got a song for it lahhs .HAHAS okies i guess really i gtg le bb

Saturday, April 4, 2009

CAN I LIKE SCOLD SOMEONE HERE .. I guess I can , cause it MY blog !!
U are the one who started it first okies , dun say its me . The first thing u said to me was what "u crazy ". AND btw , i didnt scold u okies , u scold me bitch or whatever think who the bastard first lahhs . U said so proudly what in 6F the boys u r the most evil one . U think its is good mehhs ?? Let me tell u lahhs , no one will like evil guys okies ?? DONT BE SO PROUD OF THAT SERIOUSLY ! I HAD NEVER SEEN SUCH , pathetic person before lahs , U FIRST started the fight and then say it was me , CRAZY OR WHAT. AND even that time u even scolded my SIS ?? i really dun know how to describe lahhs . U KNOW I BEEN TRYING TO CONTROL U KNOW ?? U 'RE REALLY SERIOUSLY PATHETICALLY RUDE ! And , if u don't like it , see the red button on ur top right hand corner , click it and GET OUT OF MY BLOG . SERIOUSLY lahs , i'm not being unreasonable but touch ur heart and think who the one who is getting on my nerves , calling me names , scolding me vulgarities . I DUN KNOW HOW RUDE U'RE OKIES

THAT ITS I REALLY CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE~ !! thinking about it again , really I dun know what have gotten into ur mind that made u so CRAZY~ ! FINE LAHS IF U THINK IS MY FAULT THEN I REALLY DUN KNOW WHAT TO SAY ABOUT U

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Haiz , lots of things happen just the night before . I really don't get it lahs , u said that i accuse u of telling that thing but in the first place i didn't even accuse u !! U want me to say sorry can , BUT I can assure u that i didn't accuse you . FINE , maybe it was my fault not to ask u properly but then I didn't say that u told that thing ! AND I DID NOT MEANT TO HURT U ~!! REALLY , u can choose to believe not , it Ur choice but that what i really have to say and got to say , if u dont want to believe then forget it . ONCE AGAIN I CAN SAY SORRY IF U WANT BUT , I REALLY DONT KNOW LAHHS !! BUT REALLY IF U SAY THAT U'RE HURT , I'M ALSO VERY HURT . ARE U EVEN AWARE THAT I CRIED IN SCHOOL WHEN I WENT TO THE TOILET ??? Cause i really didn't want this to happen and i really TREASURE OUR friendship ALOT , SERIOUSLY and seeing your attitude toward me , I really don't know anymore ! But i really don't know why its becoming like that but all i know that I'm sorry and HOPE the matter will blow away as soon as possible (ASAP )i should have just use the short from hahas ! BTW , my mood turn out to be very gloomy in english class , i'm sorry but really that thing really made me very very hurt and can't help it ! hehe okies gtg bye ! THANKS FOR READING and by the way I'm not scolding anyone in this post ! Just telling how i really feel :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ARHHS !!!I dont want to lose u as my friend . I really have no intention of hurting u , i'm just asking . I know that u would never 100% not betray me but I had to doulbe comfrim .I'm sorry .REALLY I WAS CRYING AFTER YOU TOLD ME U DON'T KNOW UR ANSWER ! I'm not kidding , must i really lose u to something else ???!
IF I KNEW IF WAS LIKE THAT , I WOULD'NT HAVE ACCEPT IN THE FIRST PLACE , BUT NOW IF I'LL TO TURN BACK I WOULD BE HURTING TWO PEOPLE . I'VE HAVE NO INTENTIONS REALLY . I'M SORRY , BUT I'M NOT SAYING THAT U DID BUT JUST ASKING ! Must it really be like that ?? I really don't know now , maybe before this thing end my smile will be so fake.Maybe it was my fault not asking u properly but really sincerly i'm apologizing ! Hope u would just be my friend .

Haiz saw Fahrenheit last Sunday , actually was supose to go pray to my grandpa as he had already pass away but i guess we were really too into Fahrenheit I'm sorry gong gong hehe . YAN YA LUN so handsome lorhhs . THEY shake my hands and arron wink at me arhhs !! SO SUAI ! cannot forget them and btw I LOVE THEM :)okies i think that all cya !