Sunday, May 17, 2009

SIGH !! ARHHS FINALLY .. exams are over~ !!! SO DAMMNN RELIEF hahas ! managed to pass ALL my subjects but still not very happy with my result hahas ! Hope i can score better marks cause i really want to get around 70++ for EVERY subjects ! So i need to work extremely hard , to score well . Well , now having a little break because during the school holidays is JUST SSTTUUDDYYY~~~ !!! haix .... BORED !!!! wish can go out hahas .
These few days recalled alot of things very EMO ~~!!! seriously haix .. sad lehss .Examples below hahas !! LOL

EG:1. My grandpa that pass away , although it already 2 years
2. Something that happen (pathetic)
3. My precious little esker being so sad crying everyday !! haix

SIGH SIGH SIGH SIGH !!!!!!! I'M SERIOUSLY SAD SERIOUSLY !!!!!!!!! haix , nevermind , though i tried very very hard to put ALL that behind but i seem like i can put them behind . WHAT TO DO ?? someone please help me , DUN LEAVE ME BEHIND~~~~~ , because i dun want to handle all these ALONE ! haix ...nevermind anyways , i just want to make this clear , i dun hate u but just dun like u anymore , u can choose to believe or not it's up to u but now i dunno anymore seriously ! Oh ya i cut my hair to something bangs , hahas . I scared ugly lehs !! HOW ?? no not another problem ~~~!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! anyways , now currently EMO !

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