Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alright so we can conclude that today is a kinda bad day for me D:
Well , Firstly I overslept and had Eileen to wait for me :B hehe . thankyou siao dong .
Next we walked to school with the rain >.<
Reached school . We were late for the warm up . O:
Then we started with dance .
Dance , Dance , Dance .
Slack . Slack . Slack .
Scold . Scold . Scold .
Practice . Practice . Practice .
Went mac to slack and all .
Headed to 201 to take bus and that big thing happened D:

Me and eileen's conversation . Eileen (Purple) Me (Orange)

Car horned and I looked . Saw daddy's car .
M : Ohh , my father car . Hmm you go home first my father fetch me :D U Becareful uh .
E : oh okay . byebye .
M : Byebye .
Was briskly walking . Suddenly BANG , i fell .
M : fuck ><
* Eileen turns and saw me lying on the floor flat . She laughed .
E : omg you okay anot ?
* Me , laughed .
*Eileen walked over , picked up my boxed file on the floor took it to the car .
E : Are you like okay ?
M : yea . :D
E : Sitting in front or back .
M : Back .
* The back seat have a big thing which occupied most of the seat so i changed my mind .
M : Never mind change i sit in front . :D
E : i thought you say behind ?
M : Yeap . But never mind cuz got that thing .
Daddy ask what happened .
E : She fell .
Daddy : ohh okay , i fetch you home ?
E : no never mind i stay here .
Daddy : oh okay .
E : byebye
M : byebye :D .

Was like hilarious man ! Well , it really hurt . I couldn't walk properly ]'; Heheh . Then back to home sweet home . Now blogging . Thankyou eileen for taking my box file to the car :D I kindly appreciate it . ^^ Alright enough of blogging . I wanna take a good rest . Ciaos people .

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