Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yeah, Since you went away things hasn't been the same.
In my heart all i got is pain
To loose you, i can't maintain
Sunlight moonlight you lit my life
Days passed without you but i still can't forget you
Let me be the cloud hanging above you will you ?
Raining on me i've miss your touch
Nights get longer and it's hard to clutch
We're apart and that breaks my heart
Boy , you're my world
In time my love unfurls , Till i'll then wait for you , i promise .

Back to school , school was alright then . Nothing much happen though . GAHH can't esss find better teachers to teach 1E3 ?

Monday, June 28, 2010

I want to forget but somehow my heart keeps clinging on to you . Baby , i really can't forget you .Sigh You treat me like as though I'm transparent , i wanted to talk to you , but i was afraid . I wanted to ask but i was scared . Tell me how ? A moment then we were so close but then later we become like strangers . At least i should know what happened in between yea ? I'm in such confuse state , ever since you leave me there all by myself . Nothing have gone right . My whole world have turn upside down . It's like the whole world came tumbling down on me . I really do not have the strength to carry it up without you . My courage , my love , my everything came tumbling down .

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's such obvious lies .
I dun wan to hear it out .
Do you really think that i do not know what's happening ?
Do i look like a fool to you ?
Forget it i'll leave without a care and end this thing .
I'm through with this , i'm gone
If you were gonna be like that why did you even wanted to meet me ?
I trusted when you said you were busy even when i wanted to see you so badly i waited .
I was crazy , i lost my mind .
I fell for it again and again .
I'm sick and tired of your endless crap .
Forget it , i'll leave .
It's funny do you really think that you're the only guy ?
Even if you hold me , it won't matter now .
I only love you and you only .
The tears i cried for you were such a waste .
I'll meet some other guy some day . I'll be free of sadeness day and night .
I'll live my life without even thinking of you bye~
Forget it i'll let him live the life he wants , i don't care anymore .
Don't even dream of holding me again
So give me time i'll forget i hope ?
Boy ,

I'm confuse , but whatever it is , I'm sorry .

I'm didn't meant to hurt you . Just that i thought i should tell you first instead of telling you when you have fall for me more . It will hurt more wouldn't it ? I'm sorry that's all i can say . >.<

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wasteful Tears .

Hello people ! How's your day going ? Well my is horrible , i'm here rotting like shit while trying to get myself to stop thinking about it . I can't get to my sleep now though i'm extremely tired . Guess what ? I slept at 5 am yesterday yeap with the help of chloe for pei-ing me throughout the night . Hahah , It was kinda shiock to stay awake throughout the night . O: Hahah , well actually if i could get to sleep i would but there was something bothering me real much D:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1. Last beverage: Water .
2. Last phone call: Eileen Lim (:
3. Last text message: Eileen Koh
4. Last song you listened to: Knock you down
5. Last time you cried: Yesterday D:

6. Dated someone twice: Yea ?
7. Been cheated on: Maybe?
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nope (:
9. Lost someone special: Yeap
10. Been depressed: maybe?
11. Been drunk and threw up: Never.

12. Black
13. White

15. Made a new friend: Like of course .
16. Fallen out of love: Yea ? Not so sure .
17. Laughed until you cried: yeap (Lots).
18. Met someone who changed you: Nope .
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yeap.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeap.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Nope .
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Not sure.
23. How many kids do you want?: Haven thought about it yet (:
24. Do you have any pets: Yeap .
25. Do you want to change your name: Nope
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Out to celebrate :D
27. What time did you wake up today: 11 ?
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Messaging Chloe :D
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : School to reopen ^^
30. Last time you saw your Mother: yesterday night
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing O:
32. What are you listening to right now: Knock you down ?
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Ermm no ?
34. Who's getting on your nerves right now: My brother ?
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook
36. Whats your real name: Jenelle Ng
37. Nicknames: Alot to name out .
38. Relationship Status: Not sure .
39. Zodiac sign: Ox , rat ?
40. Male or female?: Female.
41. Primary School?: White Sands Primary School :D
42. Secondary School?: East Spring
43. High school/college : College ?
44. Hair colour: black.
45. Long or short: Long
46. Height: around 149 i think?
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yeap >.<
48: What do you like about yourself?: idk ? nothing ?
49. Piercings: Ears
50. Tattoos: None.
51. Righty or lefty: Lefty :D

52. First surgery: Nah.
53. First piercing: Ears
54. First best friend: Too many too name out :x
55. First sport you joined: forgot.
56. First vacation: London ?
58. First pair of trainers: ???

59. Eating: Yea ?
60. Drinking: Nope .
61. I'm about to: Finish my homework !
62. Listening to: Music
63. Waiting for: nothing

64. Want kids?: idk ? No ? Depends
65. Get married?: maybe ?
66. Career: Not sure yet

67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
69. Shorter or taller: Taller.
70. Older or Younger: Younger.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Both ? :x
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Idk .
73. Sensitive or loud: Loud.
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.

76. Kissed a stranger: nope
77. Drank hard liquor: Nope
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
79. Sex on first date: -Wtf ?
80. Broken someone's heart: nope ? Idk?
82. Been arrested: Nope.
83. Turned someone down: Maybe ?
84. Cried when someone died: yeap
85. Fallen for a friend: Yea :x DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
86. Yourself: nah
87. Miracles: Yes.
88. Love at first sight: Yes.
89. Heaven: Yes
90. Santa Claus: Nah.
91. Kiss on the first date: idk
92. Angels: Nah

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Nope
95. Did you sing today?: Nope
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: No .
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: Primary school.
98. The moment you would choose to relive?: Huh ?
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: yes .
100. Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths?: No .
Love is like a puzzle. When you're in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get everything back together.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yunxuan: Hellos!! Tagged:D<3
Jenelle : Hello ! thankyou ♥

Chanel,: Hellozxc(: Tagged ;love
Jenelle : Hello ! (: Thankyou love .

joynessa.: HELLO JENELLLEEEEEE. Why you so careless! AHAH
Jenelle : Hello joyjoy ! AHAHA . Dunno leh . Laugh too much le bahs :x hehe .

celine: tagged (: love you, stay chio :D
Jenelle : hehe . thankyou . You too ; loves .

Eliza: tag tag tag :D
Jenelle : aww , thankyou :D

Isabelle.: hello pretty , tagged. linked(:
Jenelle : thankyou :D Stay pretty uh ^^

'A.: Hey Supergirl♥ !
'A.: Hey Supergirl♥ !
Jenelle : Heyhey Supergirl ♥

Jana: HEY!!! Yeah linked you up ready
Jenelle : Hello ! Thankyou girl :D

YUAN TENG: heyhey (:
Jenelle : Hello hello ^^ ♥

eileenkoh: Chiobuu :)
Jenelle : Hello hello ! chiobuu (: ♥

Friday, June 18, 2010


Haizz , i guess shopping is the only thing that can make me feel better . Sometimes i really wonder if i was a mistake in this world . It's like no one cares about my feelings . Backstabs , hyprocites , bastards ? I wonder if i really didn't exist in this world would things change ? I'm really curious . I was thinking if i've just dissapear in the middle of a conversation with my mum . What would happen ? I'm not sure . I told myself i have to forget him but until now ? Can someone teach me how to forget him ?! Sigh , this is so frustrating . These words are still unable to describe how i really feel ><

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I've realised that my existance to you doesn't matter anymore .
I guess it's time that i should really wash my hands of your things .
It's always the same old thing . Fine then , i will care less from now on >< .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boy , I miss you ><

I'm sorry i still can't let you go .

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alright so we can conclude that today is a kinda bad day for me D:
Well , Firstly I overslept and had Eileen to wait for me :B hehe . thankyou siao dong .
Next we walked to school with the rain >.<
Reached school . We were late for the warm up . O:
Then we started with dance .
Dance , Dance , Dance .
Slack . Slack . Slack .
Scold . Scold . Scold .
Practice . Practice . Practice .
Went mac to slack and all .
Headed to 201 to take bus and that big thing happened D:

Me and eileen's conversation . Eileen (Purple) Me (Orange)

Car horned and I looked . Saw daddy's car .
M : Ohh , my father car . Hmm you go home first my father fetch me :D U Becareful uh .
E : oh okay . byebye .
M : Byebye .
Was briskly walking . Suddenly BANG , i fell .
M : fuck ><
* Eileen turns and saw me lying on the floor flat . She laughed .
E : omg you okay anot ?
* Me , laughed .
*Eileen walked over , picked up my boxed file on the floor took it to the car .
E : Are you like okay ?
M : yea . :D
E : Sitting in front or back .
M : Back .
* The back seat have a big thing which occupied most of the seat so i changed my mind .
M : Never mind change i sit in front . :D
E : i thought you say behind ?
M : Yeap . But never mind cuz got that thing .
Daddy ask what happened .
E : She fell .
Daddy : ohh okay , i fetch you home ?
E : no never mind i stay here .
Daddy : oh okay .
E : byebye
M : byebye :D .

Was like hilarious man ! Well , it really hurt . I couldn't walk properly ]'; Heheh . Then back to home sweet home . Now blogging . Thankyou eileen for taking my box file to the car :D I kindly appreciate it . ^^ Alright enough of blogging . I wanna take a good rest . Ciaos people .

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Look at that guy above . :D Yes that's G-dragon .
I love him to the maxs , he rock my life ttvm xD . Heheh .
Actually i love all the K-POPS bands .
Big Bang , 2pm , SS501 Beast , Ft-island etc. is being loved too .
Heh , holidays are really boring . Praying for it to pass by asap .
But there's another problem >> My homework are still untouched by me :D
Which means if school is gonna start soon , I'm doomed D:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

shy Vanessa .
Xiao ding dong sisters :D
Dar and me :D

Pretty yunli and caryn (:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Amanda.T: Link me up yeah.
Jenelle : oh sure :D

Jenelle : Alright (:

Jenelle : My dear uncle ! I miss you

joycelyn: taggs fro you dear!!~~ weets!
Jenelle : thankyou (:

YunLi: Hi Jenelle, tagged. (:
Jenelle : hello thankyou ^^

Janelle: Tag for you back ! Twinny, ♥
Jenelle : thankyou

Passerby: hello !!!!! GET WELL SOON
Jenelle : erm hello ? thankyou ? :D

♥ ARETHALOH :D: Hey chio bu Tagged! Hahaha. Who's the guy?!
Jenelle : Hello , i not chiobuu . Thankyou for tagging (: Ermm :x hehe .

YunLi: Hiii, Pretty Jenelle. Nice pictures. ^^ Hehehe.
Jenelle : thankyou . U more pretty i not (:

Celine: heyy ultimate CJ, link me and urm, im leaving tmr to LA. Will miss you :<
Jenelle : alright , linking you up soon (: aww , i'll miss you ><

`A.: Supergirl! Hearts!!
`A.: Supergirl! Hearts!! tagged tooh.

Jenelle : Thankyou supergirl . Heart you too.

♥eliza: tag back Jenelle! see you soon! <3
Jenelle : hello ! thankyou . yeap see ya .

eileenkoh: Tagged
Jenelle : thankyou . (:

Janelle: Tagged twinny (:
Jenelle : thankyou . ♥

Chanel,: Hellozxc Janelle♥ Tag
Jenelle : Hello <3>

eileenkoh: Tagged
Jenelle : thankyou (:

YunLi: Hi Jenelle, tagged. ^^ ♥
YunLi: Hey Jenelle!

eileenkoh: Tagged , :D
Jenelle : thankyou :D

YunLi: Hi Jenelle, ^^ . Hehe, had lots of laughter today @ mac, LOL. ^^
Jenelle : Hello ! yeap yeap ! HAHA .

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My dear boy i love you ! I'm sorry i couldn't meet you that day . I miss you though . Hmm Sometimes i wonder , why is it always when i'm falling apart and me trying to start putting everything behind . You would somehow just come about to change my thinking or even change the whole situation to the better . Instead of giving up , i've accidentally fall for you alittle much more . ><

Well , I should get back to my normal posting. :D
Had cca today , but before cca . Went to meet Eileen at 201 . Hypered throughout the day .
Went 7-11 cause i was extremely hungry and thristy . We ended up late for the warm-up :x
Was fun throughout the day we were laughing like mad girls . O:
Li lao shi didn't add new dance steps for us (: That's good news ! :x
We Wanted to eat lunch first but it rained and the mac was closed from 12-1.30 so ...
I went to eileen's house , wee , I Love her dog (: Was extremely cute .
Soon the Rain stop and time passed . Went for lunch and next back home XD
It was Grand-aunt birthday so went for her dinner , it's not bad (; so yea .
Now home , blogging (:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

DAMM IT , what should i wear ><
This getting pathetic .
Should i wear this or that ?
Dress or skirts or shorts ?
Someone can you help me decided ?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello people ! Hmm , I was wondering if i should go to travis party tomorrow . It's his 13 birthday though but not much people is going . Infact all those who are going are all boys >.<'' Moreover I'm the only girl . POOF , most probably i wouldn't be turning up unless I've a girl company :x Sorry Travis , I'll make it up to you some time :D I shall decided tomorrow . Alright so yesterday shopping was fine . Besides buying my stuffs , i had a nice dinner :D

I really miss you ..
I wished you were mine .
I really need you ..
If only forgetting you was easy .
Then i wouldn't be in such pain .
Why must i face the pain alone ?
Perhaps time is the cure for everything but is it really true ?
Well history is repeating , I'm in a dilemma

Mum's bringing me out for shopping now . She is so cool , she just came back from work and now she wants to bring me out . WEEETS . Love her ttvm ^^ . I'll be back with lots of things again to sastify myself , MUAHAHA ! Hah , in your face mr boredom , now it's my turn to kill you instead of you killing me time and time again with your boredness ><

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Well yesterday shopping was easy , I didn't have to begged mummy to buy what i wanted for me . I just had to say i want it and i got it :D POOF , but someone had to spoil my wonderful day with his idiotic messages . Hmm about today nothing much happened besides me rotting at home >.<

A message dedicated to some bastard :D
AHEM , i do not wanna rack up the past but I'm telling you that be it the past or the present . You have been as irritating as before , I swear . Those nonsensical messages were nothing but crap which pissed me off and those things that you've mention didn't even happen , hmm I'm seriously wondering why did you even think that that have happened . Maybe you have dreamt of that scenario before and took it as a thing that really happened , but it's absurd alright . Well , so i thought i could ignore you but you kept messaging huh ? Spamming ? Well i don't give a damn . U kept racking up the past and even started messaging in some way which i don't even understand =.='' U start in the middle and end off in the mids . U expect me to understand what u're saying ? Come on it's pathetic . Get a life . Stop acting like as if we're together or something . PS : you're not my boyfriend . And stop smsing me whenever you like and start off messaging with weird things . It's plainly irritating .

Lastly I seriously do not like you be it last time or now my feelings for you have never been those kind of relationship thingy . So stop it thankyou :D