Sunday, March 22, 2009

HAIZ , boring school starting in just less then a day ! I don't want , how I wish holidays would not end so fast as i havent settle something yet hehe !

Heys ..... , I know Fairytales are fake , but there are some people who are living in a NORMAL world getting their happiness okies , so wht do u call that , not getting their happiness ??. MAYBE not for U, but then once again so what if i think that those fairytales are real it my PROBLEM NOT URS !! MAYBE he doesnt like me but so what , it doesnt mean tht if tht person doesnt like u , u can't like the person , Right ??! But for ur info i'm not admitting that i like that person okies?? BTW , I really dont know lahhs , but i find that u guys are really very weird , it like ur are suddenly telling me this and that , actually in the first place i shouldnt believe ur and starting falling in love with ........ lahs or maybe just keep thinking of him lahhs .And stop calling me all those names , PLEASE , cause DONT TEST ME !! I really can't stand all those stupid names , if someone tht is my bf call me tht still ok lahhs but then we're just NORMAL friends , OR MAYBE JUST CLASSMATES only SO STOP IT, ITS REALLY IRRITATING and DISGUSTING !! I 'm SORRY lahhs if u didnt mean it but it really FREAKS me out i warn u but u didnt listen u think i wht ?? PLAYING WITH U IS IT ??! SO I WISH THIS CAN STOP AND THANK YOU .. :@ AND I"M SORRY IF U FEEL ANGRY OR HURT but i trying to not say it lahs as in tryng to keep it to myself , but i really can't , if u dont feel like reading then so be it , but just for ur info this is my blog , u dont like it u can go out cause this is the only place i can say wht i want to say . AND I'M NOT TRYING TO SAY THAT I'M VERY GOOD OR WHATEVER I'M JUST TRYING TO TELL U STOP CALLING ME THAT , NO MATTER WHT I'M NOT TRYING TO FIND FAULT OR HURT UR FELLINGS OR ECT OF WHT U THINK I JUST WANT U TO STOP IT I HAD EXPLIAN ABOVE ALREADY .

okies , i think i gtg and cya :)

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