Monday, September 13, 2010

G-Dragon ! <3

2NE1 ! <3

Saw that picture up there ? Yeah that's right , 2NE1 is finally back with their 3 hits song .
1. Can't nobody .
2. Go away .
3. Clap your hands .
I love their new song , it just keeps repeating in my mind :DDD .
CL looks really hot in the MVs .
Next see that first picture up there (Y) G-dragon looks so damm effing hot with his red hair .
Cute like hell ! I love him to the max :x Hope bigbang will make a comeback real soon xD .

Alright let me start with my proper post now .
Woke up at 5am today , i couldn't get to sleep . I dunno why D: .
Blast song into my ears . 5.30 went to bath prepared to go to school .
Mad with my stupid fringe . Decided to just leave it and bused to school .
Assemble and all . Lesson Lesson Lesson .
Recess .
Lesson , Lesson , Lesson .
History teacher ; Miss keeran is gonna leave . Sigh .
Again this is like the fourth time we're changing our history teacher . -.- .
Went home and now blogging .

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