Thursday, September 30, 2010

I dunno if you still trust me or not but i seriously didn't say that .
I'm not saying these to complicate things further .
But i just want you to know that i didn't say it or side her or tell her what you say .
You can choose to believe me or not
I can't force but i thought to myself that day shouldn't best friends have trust in one another ?
And you as my best friend why didn't you trust me than her ?
And the reason why i treated you so cold the early part of today and yesterday
was merely because i felt awkward .
Yes the misunderstanding has been cleared but do you still trust me ?
Well i really do cherish this friendship as much as you do .
And that's mainly the reason why i cried was because,
I didn't wanted to lose this friendship we've made and the trust we have built .
& also because i was utterly dissapointted that you thought i said that and did that .
Although now everything seems to be alright again but i would like to say this .
Because i hope like no doubts between each other anymore .
No more secrets and no more awkwardness .
And i still treat you as my bestest friend !

And another matter to another person .
To : ___________
You have change that's not the person i used to know .
Not that kind and caring person i used to know .
I'm seriously dissapointed in you .

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm seriously confuse now .
I swear i didn't tell whatever you told me to her and ect ect .
You can choose to believe her or you can choose to believe me .
I can't force you . But i seriously swear i didn't say anything .
Sighh , I seriously dunno why things are becoming like that .
I really dunno what to do now . All i can do is to just smile and look away .
I do not hate you , dun get the wrong idea neither i dun friend you or what .
Just that , i seriously dunno how to become myself again after this incident .
I feel things are getting so complex .
I really really hope that everything will go back to normal .

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Awkward day .__.

Alright school started out crappy and ended up crappy .
Art CA2 i've flunk . WTF ! i did the things and i still fail . Forget it -.-
Geography , nothing much .
English , bored like ttvm ?
Recess as usual ._.
Chinese was the most slacking one .
Had literature test x.x Pheww it was opened book i got 7/8 for the MCQ hehe .
Science , boring and messy due to many paper being given back .
After school , had oral . Sucks to the hell manzxc the waiting was like ...
The teacher that i talked to was like errr..
I think i'm gonna fail sighh . Nevermind i'm prepared for the worst xD

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's driving me crazy !

Everything now seems so vague .
I dunno how much longer i can hold .
EOY is coming , i'm mugging like crazy .
I'm afraid i wouldn't do well this time sighh .
Nevermind it's alright , i will strive and work hard these few days .
Hwaiting . (:

I just found out something which me me regretted everything so much .
Sigh , i should have seriously cherish .
FML ! ><><
I love you , i'm sorry .
Now i understand the things you have been trying to bring across to me .
I'm sorry i was slow to find out now .
Yes it's too late to regret but still sigh D:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Suppose to study with joyce and vanessa today .
But mummy didn't allow D:
So , I've to stay home and mug my homework and stuff .
Imma a good girl girl .
Alrights , it's i have to continue mugging ciaos people xD

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Seriously i do not know what's happening .
I'm like in a dilemma not knowing what to do .
Everything is like falling hard on me , everything came stumbling down .
I kept telling myself , everything gonna be okayy i've to stay strong .
But nothing's helping , fuck this world i dun even know who i can confront now .
I'm seriously fucked up .
I didn't even know what i did wrong .
I'm tired of always forcing out that smile on my face .
Sometimes i really wonder if i should make myself happy by just saying it out .
Or please you people by keeping it in , just to make you people feel happy ?
Sigh , i'm really tired . I'm on the verge of breaking down .
Truthfully i wanted to stand by you all these while .
However whenever you're with them i didn't wanted to interrupt you .
I feel so " extra " , there . I can't help it .
So i went ahead to find other people not knowing you were there complaining about me .
Hah , so all these while am i a fool ?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let's start with school today .
Went school , assemble as usual .
Had Art for the first period >: It was damm stupid had to had some contract thing ?
Geography made me insane , i was so effing tired . I wish i could sleep then .
English not that bad was like usual .
Recess like normal .
Chinese as per normal nothing much to elaborate .
Literature went to computer lab had this spider hanging in mid air scary >:
Science GG in the test . I'm so gonna fail it for sure x.x
I did study but the paper was so hard D: Whatever can't give a damm anymore .
What is done is done i can't undo it so nevermind :D I'm optimistic .
After school ate lunch in school . Bused home .
Now chatting with celine <33333>

Monday, September 13, 2010

G-Dragon ! <3

2NE1 ! <3

Saw that picture up there ? Yeah that's right , 2NE1 is finally back with their 3 hits song .
1. Can't nobody .
2. Go away .
3. Clap your hands .
I love their new song , it just keeps repeating in my mind :DDD .
CL looks really hot in the MVs .
Next see that first picture up there (Y) G-dragon looks so damm effing hot with his red hair .
Cute like hell ! I love him to the max :x Hope bigbang will make a comeback real soon xD .

Alright let me start with my proper post now .
Woke up at 5am today , i couldn't get to sleep . I dunno why D: .
Blast song into my ears . 5.30 went to bath prepared to go to school .
Mad with my stupid fringe . Decided to just leave it and bused to school .
Assemble and all . Lesson Lesson Lesson .
Recess .
Lesson , Lesson , Lesson .
History teacher ; Miss keeran is gonna leave . Sigh .
Again this is like the fourth time we're changing our history teacher . -.- .
Went home and now blogging .

Friday, September 10, 2010

The day you told my friend you have stop loving me was the day my heart died .
The dream i have been living in all these while have finally come into an end .
Maybe what they said was right , every beautiful story always have an end .
Be it a beautiful ending like how it begin or a tragic ending .
Well , i guess my story ended tragically .
But I'm glad at least it did happened .
I was happy enough that that dream did came true once .
Though everything seems to be a lie now but I've never regretted loving you .
I'll get out of my naive thinking.
It funny that you have move on but I'm still there holding on .
I guess , it's time for me let it go too and start a brand new story .

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Briefly explain about today :DD . Went out for project .
Met eileen at 201 , vanessa at tmart mac .
Ate breakfast there . Bought materials there .
Went safwan house to do our project . Had fun there .
Videoed and more . Ended , went kfc to have late lunch ? Homed .
Mummy said she wants to celebrate korkor birthday today .
Since there's no time on his actual day . Went out for dinner .
Ate BBQ chicken at cloven road or something ? A nice shopping mall ?
Had icecream for dessert . Shopped for groceries . Headed home .
Alright , exams are nearing . I'm mugging .
Trying hard , real hard , even restricting myself from using the com .
But somehow it's not working . As i open the book either i feel sleepy or bored . >o< I just can't concentrate at all . D: I wonder why ?
Poof , Holidays are ending , School is starting , Exams are nearing but there's still so much i've not finish . >:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A day out with zhenghui , justin , brian , shirely , travis and weixuan :DD .
Alright nothing much to elaborate .
Woke up , i wasn't sure if i wanted to go in the first palce .
Slack till brian korkor called . LOL ! ROFL .
I couldn't reconisge his voice and was shocked he know my house number . O:
Rushed to prepare and went to meet them .
First i saw justin and travis then we went to meet the rest at the bowling alley .
They decided to go to the redhouse ?
Walk to the redhouse . It was extremely far and the sun was like so hot ? >:
Me , justin and brian waited outside ? The rest went ?
After they are done , Bused back to ehub .
Watch the grown-ups . Kinda not bad , comedy :DDD
Slack at the acarde while the boys play :>>
Lastly went back home . Kekeke , done :D

Monday, September 6, 2010

Alright so it was exceptionally fun for today .
Watched tv in the morning .
Chatted with Celine and dzul cause we all were bored xD .
Fb through the day till 4 plus ?
Mummy ask if i wanna go out ? Immediately accepted the offer .
I was extremely bored like hell ._. Daddy came with us meaning we got the car ^^
First went to some kind of place it looks kinda old ? totally bored there .
Then walk and walk and finally found our way to some kind of nice shopping mall .
Found a restaurant there called " The ship " ? Its a mainly steak restaurant . ^.^ Hoho .
Daddy said that restaurant is a old restaurant . Quite Well-known in his time ?
Not sure too I love the ambiance in the restaurant !
Mum and dad didn't eat the steak and ate something else while i eat the steak .
Weee , it was SUPER NICE ! Yumyum .
My meal was like the most expensive one among us :x
Mummy treated me and daddy . xD Cost her a bomb sorry D: Hahah .
I suggested to go to bugis to shopshop and buy my things .
Mummy agreed . Shop there till 8 plus . Bought a new wallet and new clothes .
Kekeke . I'm excited . I love my new clothes and wallet . Thankyou mummy .
Lastly went whitesands to buy dinner for jiejie .
Then homesweethome . Now blogging .
Byebye .

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'll move on .

I got no reason to hold on to you anymore .
Neither i got any reason to stay .
I've run out of reason to talk to you .
I guess i'll just face it , I will forget .
I think that is the best solution .
Afterall , maybe i will just treat everything as a lie .
It's just too good to be true .

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hmm , where should i start ? Alot of things

happened today

Alright lets start from the beginging .
Woke up late for school , intended not to go but still i went .
I knew i was feeling moody from the start of the day but can't skip school due to that .
Bused to school , fucked up . Reached school , talk talk talk ? Assemble .
Lesson blah blah blah . Recess , as usual with my dearest clique Talk about something undesirable , i cried ><
Ps : for the sudden breakdown and thankyou for your concern :DDD .
I love your ttvm .
So it was extremely embarrassing , walk my way to toliet cried my heart out . D:
Got comfortting from eileen <3
Emoed my way through the lessons and the day . Sorry .
I didn't meant to bring your mood down with me too , i'm really sorry .
Next didn't went for chinese dance decided to do art , went eileen house to finish up my art .
Went to slack and all . Carried that pile of books i looked like as if i was like santa . -.-
Homed . Now blogging xD .

-Thankyou eileen lim , eileen koh , celine koh , danielle , shermaine , joycelyn .
For confronting me xD . Ps if i missed you out ? Thankyou anyways .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My legs are aching like hell shit .

Out with Chloe today . First went to central to photocopy some things for jiejie :D Next we went to white sand to take neoprints :D . Went to buy chocolate yogurt yum yum . We decided to walk to ehub since it's quite near . So chatted on our way there . Wanted to see the Mona-lisa but didn't cuz it's kinda freaky and expensive . Went to take the x-rider . LOL ! ROFLMAO , i thought the bubble flying around was fake until one bubble pop on my hand . :DD Went to pasir ris park . Ended up lost there . It was practically pathetic , we both were like dehydrated , tired and lost . Was like a stupid maze . So we walk and walk and walk and found the entrance back . Went to ehub to slack again and next walked back to white sands for dinner . The spaghetti was nice ! After having dinner walked to the playground . Play the seesaw and swing was fun ttvm . My leg was like invested with sand :x Walked back to ehub . Saw kelvin korkor with his gf and friends at the traffic light there . Said hi . Bused back home at around 7 plus . Home . Now blogging , I'm tired ciao people .