Friday, April 30, 2010

♥ Jenelle is officially not scared of dentist anymore ^^

So basically yesterday was examination day . Was kinda okayy my Chinese i wrote 3 paper = 6 pages ^^ HAHA i'm crazy i dunno how come i wrote so much but yea . Next was English , English was alright too . After the papers Vanessa , Janelle , Eugenia and me decided to go to the dental cuz we got appointment . AHAHA , i was like freaking out there . But after seeing that the dentist was such a kind soul and gentle one , i heaved a sigh of relieve so did Janelle (((: Hehe , after that went to Evita house with CHIOBUU-S : Eileen lim , Evita , Vanessa goh . ^^ wooohhoo was fun there . Heartz you mama ! ~ ^^ hehe . Then went home around 3.30 reached home at 4 . wahh a half an hour time =.= Wanted to slack at home but daddy was around . Spoil my day nag nag nag . Yea we can't do those house hold chores . I'm awaiting for what you say , find a maid ((((: I will be glad . But luckily he didn't scold me as much as he scolded jiejie . hehe .
As For today , I guess i would be out with mummy to spent some time with her . It's Mummy birthday (:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

For all my life , all i ever needed was you by my side .
I love you more than anyone do .
You're gonna be my one and only .
I have 3 words , 8 letters and 1 meaning to say you .
I love you .
Even if you were walking through darkness , I promise i will stay by you .
I will become your light .
I'll make sure you'll become the outstanding one
I dun care what others see or say ,
All i ever care is about you .
All i ever wanted was you .
Even if the sun and the earth were to collide tonight
I will be by your side
Even if we're far apart , i promise our hearts and souls will link together .
I'll be your saviour whenever you need me .
You're like my oxygen . My addiction , my drug I can't live without you
With all my mights i will try to make you happy whenever you're sad And the last thing i wanna say is that you're being loved by me (:

Friday, April 23, 2010


Is it gonna be impossible to get those days back ? But even if it's gonna be impossible I still love the time when you guys had made me a girl who goes crazy whenever i want , Let out whatever emotions i want at anytime , blurt anything out but of course not insulting anyone and which not having to hide anything between you guys , it's just me . But ever since you guys left my life ]': , i have never once be me . Always being conscious for whatever i say , sometimes even thinking if i should control my laughter which Jenelle will never do that . She's a girl who just blurt things out . Laugh whenever she want , cry whenever she want and do anything she want at anytime . Everything reflect depending on her mood But now It's like i'm a different person now it's just not me . You guys are like my addictions and I miss you but now without you guys It's like as though I have something missin ! Each and everyone of your made me myself Thankyou 6F that's why i'm so sure that 6F is still being loved

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My hopes are like a sinking paper boat. The wound in my heart turned into a sickness and my image in the mirror became my enemy . You left me behind all by myself , I'm not a dog who follows you neither I'm a substitute for you .

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hmm so , history was fun ^^ Recess was okay had a great laugh ((: Chinese , english , literature , music was okayy ! ~ Just that literature drama was a total failure >.< Had interclass and we lost D: hehe nevermind it's okay we're optimistic people ^^ Hehe.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fcuk up man ! ARGG .. Kayy went school in the morning clipped my hair imma good girl though it wasn't really clip . :x hehe English was okayy just that had to do summarising ><>< ! ARGG fuck up !! Lqq anyhow scold me for laughing and say what wanna fail me and jocelyn cuz we the main character name wrongly for the oral =.='' Damm pissed off ! Shan't say further it will just spoil my day further .

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Iheartzyou mama ! ♥ Treat her good uh or else i come find u :p ! hehe (: loveyeah , chio mama ^^ !
And the photo is taken from mama's blog ^^

hmm , woke up today slack till 1 . Bath and did homework till 5.30 . I'm a good girl ! (: Had late lunch , watch tv and use com . Talk to mama ! It rain >.< . Then change destination to central cuz if i were to go to loyang point i will be drench . After reaching central I went to Every shop that sold tidbits but NONE of them sold it . At that point i felt very giddy cuz today I'm kinda feverish ): haizz . Then i walk around the whole central like 3 times still can't find . I looked like an idiot there then decided to stop finding and i went to buy food . After buying food i decided to bus to Loyang point to buy it . In the end still have to walk DAMM long and it's freaking scary and it's already 8 at night ! And a lot of bungalars keep on staring at me -- like wth ! Then finish buying everything was already 8 plus , i felt like so lonely walking alone so i decided to take bus back . Though only one stop but it makes alot of differences if i were to walk okayy ..

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hehe after the speech day came home . jiejie say that i look different (: hehe ..
Cam-whore with her cuz we were bored :x hehe ...

Vanessa and me * CHOCOLATES

Caroline , joycelyn and me

Eileen and me *eileen so chio and cute xD
Eileen pretty pretty (:
huishan , chiobuu !

Thursday, April 15, 2010

haizz , had headache in class during SFL , decided to put head down . The moment my head down lots of thought came and go and tears started to flow down . At that point that t-cher walk to me ask me girl can you dun use your phone ? U are smsing right ? Can you dun use ? And you are not even suppose to use it in class right ? Then i looked up my eyes watery , so my replied was huh ?! i never use . Then she say okayy then can you put your bag down ? After that had the prize giving thingy (: It kinda cheer me up . But now nothing is making me feel any better , tears can't stop welling up my eyes ! I really dun know luh , i'm not transparent ! I got feelings too , if you can treat them equally well why not me ? I may not say anything cuz i do not wanna cause anything but seriously sometimes i really wonder do you even treat me as a friend ? All i ever wanted is someone that understands me well .. Can't i even have that ?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

did you realised that things are still as pathetic as ever ? haizz we're so close yet so far ><>

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hehe blabbered with korkor just now ! :x had lots of fun talking to him . Was laughing throughout :D Hmm sorry uh i think you phone bill bao le :x hehe . First time sehhy we talk so long ! WOOHOO broken record (: 1.5 hour ^^ SMILE devil ! ~ Stay happy and come visit me one day , i want a surprise ! hehe ... Haizz someone's stalking me ><

Please divert back your phone calls to your own number and answer them yourself ..
I dun enjoy answering your phone calls .
FYI i find it's PLAIN irritating ><>

Firstly I DUN EVEN KNOW WHO ARE U >< (how pathetic)
Secondly stop smsing me those insane messages
Thirdly though i knoe your friend but i dunno you so .. stop !

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Somehow , you became my drug , i can't live without you ! (: haha , i'm addicted to you :B

Saturday, April 3, 2010

i'm in the verge of breaking down haizzz ..
When will it stop , i wonder ? When will you really realise your wrong doings .
Will there even be a point where you will stop and realise your mistake and change ?
Hah , it's relatively easy to say but actions speaks louder than words .
Seriously , it's useless saying to you and you saying to us . We said it umpteen times but does it help ? Obviously no.. everything is repeating like a routine .. Again and again ><
If it's pointless saying , i guess i rather just shut my mouth and Save my breath .
Please just give us a break . At least for one day , it's enough too ? thank you ..
Jenelle >> laymei : thankyou! will link you up soon too ^^

Jenelle >>Danielle : thankyou ! XD

Jenelle >> Yun li : hello senior thank you ! (:

Jenelle >> Joel : can you like look at the links ? ty ^^

Jenelle >> Celine ng : thank you ! ~ (:

Jenelle >> eileen koh : chiobuu ! thank you (:

Jenelle >> xuan lin : thank you rice cake ! loveyeahh too XD

Jenelle >>Danielle : heyhey chiobuu thank you ! (: sure .. then i shall make you happy everyday HEHE :x (:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

imissyou imissyou imissyou imissyou imissyou imissyou