Wednesday, June 17, 2009

♥ 17/6/09 ♥
WEEEEEE !!! It's just so PERFECT =]
hooya sorry peeps didn't post for a long time . Hmm went shopping yesterday at malyasia ! It was like absolutely a perfect day , i guess ? It like i was forced to wake up by my alarm and the time was like just 7.00 ! URGGHH ( pissed luhs , so early lehs ) So after woke up went to brush teeth , wash face as usual ... Soon after that went to Tabitha hus to pass some homework =] . And went to my chinese tution at 8.37 ( It's comfrim accurate cause i check my watch .) Reached there about 8.50 ? It's like FREAKING EARLY . Went to the mini mart bought lots of things HAHAHA ! Went up to tuition at around 9 ? Not sure . And then later my tutor say what " why u come so early BLAH BLAH BLAH .. Blabber so much . Haix it like i come early cannot . I come late also cannot , sometimes even worst come on the dot also nag ! URGHHS what u want ?! But Nevermind that wouldn't ruin my day =D hahaha . After tuition went back to home sweet home and proceed to malaysia HAHAHA ! It's like so cool bought my LULU BELLE wallet hahah and a cute pinky top , some bangles and a pair of shoe .. Though it don't seem at lot but it so expensive ! HEHEH Spent more than $100 . =D hahas . Hmm then wanted to buy bag but then mummy say go sg buy better . So go sg buy lorhs wait a while more also won't die WOOPS~! OOOUUUYA , still got one more thing ♥ BR ♥ ice cream is the best , your should really try it . It's taste heavenly . BOOYAH but it's time to say goodbye to all those shopping and sorts like so it like my journey for shopping that day ends here =D

♥ 18/6/09 ♥

haix today nothing much happen lorhs.. hmm went to tution as per normal and my tutor was like so damm late . Guess how long she was late ? It was like 1 hour !! How pathetic lahhs .. HAHA but cannot blame her cause she bought so many things for us , but 1 hour is seriously TOO LONG kies HAHA . OUUYA she bought like so many things luhs . It's like she even bought chicken rice LOL ? Hmm we all eat until extremely full . We were like bloated .. WAKA ! Hmm enough of today .
URGGH currently damm pissed , trust me ! It's really not my fault ! I DIDN'T STEAL UR FRIEND . THE TWO PATHETIC WORD IS I DIDN"T , SO STOP ACCUSING ME ! I'm not close with ur that friend okies . The period when we were friends , u bought her near me but did u see me talked to her even if yes is just a HI or something EXTREMELY MINOR ! How dare u ACCUSE ME ?? I HATE PPL TO ACCUSE ME ! And the person hurting me NOW is the person closest to me or should i say the person who know me the best ! I'M TELLING U THAT I AM SERIOUSLY HURT BY UR ACTION ! How can u do this ? Fine , u can think it that way cause it's ur brain i cannot control it BUT I'M TELLING U I DIDN'T STEAL UR FRIEND . BEING TWO SIDED WITH ME ? I AM NOT DUMB I CAN STILL TELL WHO ARE TRUE TO ME AND WHO ARE NOT ! Just because my friends around me are close to her but that is the problem between her and them ! It doesnt concern me k ? Seriously I'm really damm pissed with ur brainless thinking ! It's so obvious that me and her don't tok and we are not close can't u see ? How can a best friend dun tok ? So if you think I steal ur friend its means that u are trying to say she is all urs ? And that also means that ppl around her and dun have the right to make friend her too , so that's what u mean ? Fine u can think that way as i said cause i cannot control ur brain but why must u go round telling ppl ? MAKING THE WHOLE WORLD BELIEVE U THAT I STEAL UR FRIEND WHEN IT SO DAMM FAKE ! It's seriously obvious , open ur eyes to see PLEASE DUN ACCUSE THE WRONG PERSON BECAUSE IT'S HURTING ! BUT IF U INSIST THIS , FINE anyway I still can survive without you . Oh ya dun think that what u say to ppl around u i will not know cause there is always means and ways i can find them out !

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