Sunday, November 9, 2008


During this days when i didn't really get to use the com i went out here and there to go SHOPPING . so lucky rite ?? I know hahas ,actually didn't really get to buy things but saw lot of things . It like today i gotten back my report book SO SO SO freaking happy that i can go same class with my BESTEST FRIEND ..Karin and Erin haha , i was really very very very EXTREMELY HAPPY . Although i know that if i still don't work hard in the ca1 comfrim will go foundation math (Which i seriously do not want because it really scary there and of course , if we were to go there it will affect my future ..) AND I REALLY DUN WANT hahas okies dun talk about this
YESTERDAY , i went to dragon boating so unlucky everytime when we go for outing on our day comfrim rain 1 it like so What the hell ... i really didn't enjoy a single bit at ALL !! first when we went the it quite sunny later after abt the briefing was halfway through the sky turn dark . Started to rain and then ran in the shelter.. after that almost stop but after within 1 minute the rain stared to pour heavily !!! arhhs IRRITATING RITE?? haha then it like not only that later finally stop FINALLY U KNOW then when we went into the sea the rain started to pour again it was so bloody damn COLD , i was like sitting there shriving like crazy still need to row the boat cannot take it lahhss hahas
omg i will never go there again its worst experience i had ever gone through hahas .. okies i gtg cause haven do finish homework hehe cya guys :)

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