Sunday, April 10, 2011

Forcing laughter faking smiles .

Hmm , alright i guess these things are getting really complicating . I'm gonna blog about this once and for all and i really really hope everything will turn out well . I don't wish anyone to feel offended or anything , cause i don't meant it in an offensive way . Maybe this is how i really feel and i just feel like blogging this cause there's too many things kept inside my heart and maybe this is the only way i can express my feelings . And at least everyone can stop bothering about all these Alright so here this goes :

Nobody wished things would turn out this way, i guess . And now even if we blame each other for a certain mistake,things still wouldn't work out isn't it ? Instead things would just turn out to be more complicating and awkward for everyone right ? Why not we all just try put things behind and just stop all these . Don't even mention about this cause at least maybe it will do us all good . Just forget about all those remarks whoever made and try to bond all together . This is happening because some people feel left out . I understand sometimes you feel closer to a certain person but try to balance things out ? Don't leave that person out that much ? And People , stop thinking it's all your fault . No , it really isn't all these would happened not because of one person only . It has to have many many people involve for such a complicating thing to happen . So im really hoping no one would blame themselves or others for this , instead everyone should be responsible for this happening . Think again , We were once all so happy . Laughing and smiling all together as one whole clique didn't we ? I'm sure if we could do that once , we'll be able to that again . All these happened , maybe because we've have some misunderstanding between us . And maybe there may be alot of feeling running inside you but unable to express it to them . But whatever this is , This doesn't affect one person only , it affects everyone . Of course no one wants this to happen and make everyone so upset about this . So erm i just hope everyone would forgive and forget and just be nice and closer to one another . Smile your way through tomorrow no awkwardness just laughter and yeaps :D Evey one stop being so emo about this alright , this just show us that we can have another chance to be more closer and happier together . And sorry if i said anything that offended anyone i didn't meant it that way . So bye babes . (:

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