Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hey hey ppl, it has been a long time since i blog again ! sorry but it's because i'm too busy rencently. Haha it's partly because of lot of homework and wedding and some other reasons. did u know on tht day the wedding was like normal but i gotten free money because we chinese have to serve tea to the elderly who is marring on tht day ,so its like we can get money !! simple as tht :) i'm so elated be cause i'm broke alr haha :) After the morning cermony we all went home. Not long later , i threw my temper for nothing .. At tht point of time i also dun know why i threw my temper ,thn later everybody got so angry with me!! okays i know now it's my fault and i am going to alpologise to my family saying "sorry , hope ur would forgive me and not be angry !" :( i'm now angry with myself for throwing my temper hehe :) oh ya now , i'M posting the picture on the night whn we for the wedding dinner !! i know tht i very ugly but dun see me , look at my pretty sister :) HAHA

now , look at the 2 small little cute angels sitting on my lap and sister lap !! which is more cutter ?? i think both of thm are very extremely cute and pretty right ?? haha .. i gtg now bye :)oh wait a minute the boy taking the picture with my sister is my brother he is now at army miss him a lot , hope he can come back faster ! okays tht all i gtg now cya !:)

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