Sunday, September 28, 2008

hi hi ppl ... haiz so fast 2morrow is monday alr :( it's so sad that school is starting again. Tht mean exams time are coming sooner le. haiz dun know y i feel so nervous. haiz 2morrow is gonna be like so so so boring. i mean it's really a long day 2morrow cause first gt sch thn after tht i go supp. class thn later gt tution until dunno wht time after tht have to go grandma hus eat aiyo u see i busy not :( haha ... thn 2morrow reccess gt prefect duty thn cannot eat it like i will be so hungry lahhs but cannt eat ,i mean not cannot eat can eat but then it like cannot eat alot because , i'll have to rush there ...if not will get scolded by the head prefect :( OH YA I MUST MUST MUST BRING THE PREFECT NOTE BOOK IF NOT WILL GOT SCOLDED I REALLY VERY SCARED LAHHS ... btw some prefects will be kick out of the prefectorial board lehhs i very scare lahhs but nvm ... but i think will miss the time without wearing the tie but tht only maybe ... HOPE THT NIGHTMARE WILL NOT COME :)

u know my dog so so so cute i love him so so so so so so muchh as my pet ...
! look at my dog !! wht is he doing ?? EATING DURAIN !! surpise right ?? he is like a durian king , everytime when we buy durain home he will be like inspecter to go check everywhere , where we go put the durain aiyo " ESKER ESKER !! dun so greedy lahhs everyday eat eat eat later get fat lahhs. :) haha
i feel so boring everyday do homework homework homework ,oh ya i really love ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni .. okays nvm i gtg gdnites :) cya
WAITTT !!!... i almost forget .. " children's day is coming le i would like to wish to every1 a happy children day :) haha

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hi hi ppl how are ur ?? I am fine !! Its like so scary, because sa2 the oral is coming .And the date for oral is next next monday and i too NERVOUS !! Because it like i forget to bring back my oral book for english . But its okay i'll just go get it on monday !! hAIZ NOWDAYS I HATE THE BOYIZ IN MY CLASS LAHHHS .. they are like so irritating because of that i dun like thm ..
yAY I LOVE MING ZHONG ZHU DING WO AI NI .... haha it really roxxs so much .. haiz i wish tht my dog would stop disturbing me ,because like he keep on barking jumping at me !! so naughty !!!!Did know tht" fei lun hai" are coming to singapore to have concert but too bad i cannt go:( actually alr book the tickets, but thn later my mom say cant go so we didnt get a chance to go .. But it sound very nice lehhs the concert title it call" farenheit fantasy world " nice right ?? !!! so sad i cannt go ... if i could i would be so excited + happy haha anyways nvm lahhs , cause exam coming le so nvm but thn the concert is on december , means tht my exam is over alr .but it's okays i will still smile :) But there is just a little sadness in me tht all haha . :) okays i got to go alr to go do my homework cya :)btw good luck to all the pupils having exams haha :) hope ur would pass with flying colours !!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hi hi ppl ,it's going to be extremely boring tomorrow have to go back to school already ! Thinking of waking up so early in the morning i'll feel so tired .Okays maybe i'm lazy ,but lazy .Haiz thn later sch still gt supp. class after ,supp. class still gt tution to go, haiz it reaLLY i really DISLIKE chinese tution i knw tht actually having a tution is like very lucky or whtever parent say but it really very tiring ...:( but its okays like tht i also can improve my chinese :) look at the bright side hahas .. haiz nowdays i feel very very 烦 .... i'm confuse if i friend karin and fatt, because its like everytime karin would borrow money from me, so i dun know if i friend her not !!so now i decieded maybe i wouldnt friend her and thn the fatt hear karin say we mistreated her thn later she also dun friend us ..y must we have thing like this everytime ?? i'm going to get sick and tired of all this repeation !LOSING A FRIEND IS LIKE LOSING SOME1 SO DEAR TO U ,REALLY MAKE U VERY HURT !! Y WE ALL CAN'T BE FRIEND AND NOT BE LIKE THIS ?? i reLLY DUN UNDERSTAND !!haiz i gtg alr ,i wanna go sleep if not i can't wake up in time , actually isn't it still very early nvm in tht case i'll go play a while more before i sleep :) hahas ;)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hey hey ppl, it has been a long time since i blog again ! sorry but it's because i'm too busy rencently. Haha it's partly because of lot of homework and wedding and some other reasons. did u know on tht day the wedding was like normal but i gotten free money because we chinese have to serve tea to the elderly who is marring on tht day ,so its like we can get money !! simple as tht :) i'm so elated be cause i'm broke alr haha :) After the morning cermony we all went home. Not long later , i threw my temper for nothing .. At tht point of time i also dun know why i threw my temper ,thn later everybody got so angry with me!! okays i know now it's my fault and i am going to alpologise to my family saying "sorry , hope ur would forgive me and not be angry !" :( i'm now angry with myself for throwing my temper hehe :) oh ya now , i'M posting the picture on the night whn we for the wedding dinner !! i know tht i very ugly but dun see me , look at my pretty sister :) HAHA

now , look at the 2 small little cute angels sitting on my lap and sister lap !! which is more cutter ?? i think both of thm are very extremely cute and pretty right ?? haha .. i gtg now bye :)oh wait a minute the boy taking the picture with my sister is my brother he is now at army miss him a lot , hope he can come back faster ! okays tht all i gtg now cya !:)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hi hi ppl, again i've not blog for a long time already .Because we are all shopping for my uncle wedding ,so i've no time to blog everyday . The whole day we have to go everywhere go see clothes for the wedding at the same time visit my grandma and grandpa .. Finally i got my morning shirt, but i haven decided for the evening dress i have got 2 ,one is orange with a big flower another is a white dress look like princess! which i should i choose ?? want to tell me ur choice add me at jk hahA:) hahas . haiz, sa2 going to come soon and PSLE ALSO those in primary 6 i would like to say "good luck to all of u , do all ur best , very very best !!'"same for primary 5 pupils hahas :)during the holiday its so boring ........going to have my hair cut. ;) haha i mean it's not really cutting so much, but it just cutting a bit .. i really CANT WAIT FOR MY UNCLES WEDDING ..HAHA did U KNOW my dog tht time stuck inside the dustbin, thn i wanted to help him take out the dustbin stuck on his head but dun want. He bite whn i help him such a patatic dog right ?? oh ya i love ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni it kinna nice so i love tht show a lot !!....haha pls go watch haha lol no i am just joking but if really want it really nice trust me !!i gtg cya :) oh ya also hear the song "this is me " it is quite nice i will give u the link " hope u will love the song :)