Monday, December 20, 2010

Well , went out with chloe to Bugis 
Superb. Fun day with her , and she made me realised something too . ):
Nevermind shall talk about that later ^-^
Anyways i had a super great day with her . Love you alot okays ? <3>

Well , i guess what you said was right .
I haven't really forget those things , instead i was trying to run away from things .
I know and i've tried , and when i say try , i really did try .
I also know that by running away from things it doesnt really helps .
But what can i do ? I feel so pathetic , look how time have fly passed .
However , how much have i really achieved ? Nothing .
I was trying to to put myself into another disillusion .
And sometimes when some things seems to be so perfect ,
They aren't really that perfect like how they seems .
Instead , it's just a piece of lie ?
Sometimes i really wonder if it's heaven's play , or isit just me ?

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