Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hello humans , went swensens with amabel on wednesday .
It was super fun like shit . In the beggining it was alright .
Then soon after we kept calling the waiter over cause of somethings .
Laugh like shit after we ordered the icecream . Totally epic .
I snatch amabel biscuit and put it back LOL .
She shoot nut at me which was more epic -.-
And i laugh till i drop my damm spoon .
Then proceed to toliet , artbox and toyrus .
LOL i didn't know how to control a puppet until amabel taught me .
Made grover and elmo french kiss . People stare stare we shy shy luh HAHAHA
Play like siao there , doll doll all so scary HAHHHA cry cry cry .
love you luh , you rawk

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I know you're a dream because mummy once told me dreams will never come true .
You're just a dream living in the sky with those stars .
While me ? I'm just looking at the stars from afar .
Just like how people star gaze .
Everything is stated so clearly to me but i guess I'm just running away .
Not facing what i should .
But if i have a wish , i really wish you are one of those stars that could fall right before me .
Like how you did once .

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Frankly speaking , i really dunno what to post .
Anyways , HI AMABEL ! I shall write a letter to you , since i don't know what to post^-^

Hey babe . Since the first day i know you , i wasn't really that close to you .
Maybe then , we were just classmate or maybe friends ?
But remember once , on our first excusion to health promotion board ?
I had no space to sit , and in the end i had to sit behind with you and vanessa hoo ?
And of course with some other people ?
Yup , i finally remember this with the help of Vanessa H. (:
Alright , let me continue . Then i started to realised that you were super friendly .
But sadly that didn't made us close ><
It just made me realised your existance . Sorry im being real frank here :X
Then around July i started to know alittle more cause you were always with Xuanlin , Jocelyn and VH.
Soon we started to get a little closer :D
Then recently around November or October or earlier, you started talking to me on msn .
That's when when i start to got to know you real better and stuff .
We gotten so close that we even went out together .
Getting lost in a damm bus which eventually still lead us back to the same place we met . Laughing till we cried . Making people stare at us like as if we were freaks .
Made you hold my stuff for a long time and forgetting it's with you .
Once even losing my wallet and had to find around the whole mall .
In the very end it's at the customer's service .
Pranking people with some public phone but failed .
Doing homework together and talking about sad emotional funny happy stuff .
Even buying the same bag for next year !
And lastly i want to say i love you bii <3


Monday, December 20, 2010

Well , went out with chloe to Bugis 
Superb. Fun day with her , and she made me realised something too . ):
Nevermind shall talk about that later ^-^
Anyways i had a super great day with her . Love you alot okays ? <3>

Well , i guess what you said was right .
I haven't really forget those things , instead i was trying to run away from things .
I know and i've tried , and when i say try , i really did try .
I also know that by running away from things it doesnt really helps .
But what can i do ? I feel so pathetic , look how time have fly passed .
However , how much have i really achieved ? Nothing .
I was trying to to put myself into another disillusion .
And sometimes when some things seems to be so perfect ,
They aren't really that perfect like how they seems .
Instead , it's just a piece of lie ?
Sometimes i really wonder if it's heaven's play , or isit just me ?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Mr Santa ,
I have been a relatively good girl this year .
Though sometimes i do make some mistakes , but i do change you know ?
I know you can see that i make alot of effort to change it right right ? Heeez
Sooooo , in that case i hope you can grant me some wish here .
You can choose to grant me one or even more xD .
I meant like it's christmas and it's like your present giving day so yup .

1. I hope i would get good results next year .
2. Have super awesome friends and life .
3. Well , probably a camera ?
4. Something i have been longing for i think you know (;
5. My own Lappy
6. Happiness

Hmm , im not sure how you can pass it to me but just do .
Because i believe you will right ? HEHEHE ! Thankyou Santa , i love you
Yours truly ,
XOXO Jenelle .

Sunday, December 12, 2010

G-dragon looks suppperrr cuteee

안녕하세요 , annyeonghaseyo .
Feeling super bored here , nothing much to do this holiday >.<
Watch WGM , Yonghwa and Seohyun a super cuteee couple awww <3>
RRARRRRRR i've nothing else to say so yupp byebye :D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello people , Im seriously super bored today .
Chatted with Shermaine just now .
Heheh she made me laugh like a mad girl O:
Went to collect my spect. yesterday pshhhh.
I look so geeky with spect.s ):

PS : _________, i didn't tell whatever you told me to her.
You said to your friends that I've betrayed you ?
In fact , you should really try thinking who really did .
I'm sure i didn't said anything to her and ,
I even said i couldn't tell her .
If you really think it was me , then so be it .
But one thing i can be super sure of , my conscious is clear .
And what really had you to confirm that i really did betray you ?
Sigh whatever .

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I've always thought that you were my everything but i guess now everything have changed you ain't that dream guy i wanted so badly anymore .

Hey people , nothing much to post though .
Having the same routine daily .
Goshh im bored someone talk to me pleaseeeee ))):