Friday, September 3, 2010

Hmm , where should i start ? Alot of things

happened today

Alright lets start from the beginging .
Woke up late for school , intended not to go but still i went .
I knew i was feeling moody from the start of the day but can't skip school due to that .
Bused to school , fucked up . Reached school , talk talk talk ? Assemble .
Lesson blah blah blah . Recess , as usual with my dearest clique Talk about something undesirable , i cried ><
Ps : for the sudden breakdown and thankyou for your concern :DDD .
I love your ttvm .
So it was extremely embarrassing , walk my way to toliet cried my heart out . D:
Got comfortting from eileen <3
Emoed my way through the lessons and the day . Sorry .
I didn't meant to bring your mood down with me too , i'm really sorry .
Next didn't went for chinese dance decided to do art , went eileen house to finish up my art .
Went to slack and all . Carried that pile of books i looked like as if i was like santa . -.-
Homed . Now blogging xD .

-Thankyou eileen lim , eileen koh , celine koh , danielle , shermaine , joycelyn .
For confronting me xD . Ps if i missed you out ? Thankyou anyways .

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