Monday, September 3, 2012

oh ya and by the way not everything can be resolved by a stupid sorry
Each time your sorry is just to shut me up then forget it. bastard
FUCK! What the fuck is your problem?
This is my life, i make the choices. I don't care whether you like it or not.
I call the shots. I hate people ordering me around.
Its the way I talk it, you don't like it. Then fine, stop talking to me.
First you want me to reply you exactly on the dot. Like as if im your girlfriend.
When you're upset about your family problems you throw your temper on me.
You say i make you worry, but in fact i didn't ask you to worry about me.
You insult me and I don't even got the rights to get mad at you.
Why is this so? Oh, just because you think you can control me?
Im not stirring this up, not trying to make this a big scene.
But you absolutely have to know you limits.
I hate it when you just go overboard. This is absurb. IHATEYOU!