Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Exhausted me ! >:

Alright proper post , about yesterday and today .

Yesterday :
Went school as per normal . Had lessons as per normal . Maths as usual the problematic one . Skipped ASP for rehearsal for teacher's day concert . Wasn't that great as i thought . Some things happened in between which made my mood go down down down . D: After rehearsal was as bad after hearing some bad news . Totally felt like crying . Control cuz it's gonna be extremely embarrassing . Emo-ed throughout the journey to TM with Eileen and joycelyn . Sorry for being so emo but seriously i can't help it . D: Bought Li Lao Shi present then went back home .

Today :
Went to school with a big bag of present for li lao shi :D People keep staring haha i think cuz it's very big . Board the bus saw adli , shy ! Smile to him , he remember me :DD Happy then wanted to go down the bus that stupid Springfield guy purposely walk so slow then finally when i reached the steps , the bus door close -.- Stupid . After that had aces day , tied pink ribbon on my head . Love it , it looks so cute on everyone especially the boys . Run like siao but i was the last D: Feel so guilty make the whole group slow . Sorry D: After that went to makeup and all . Had performances . Change out went to give presents . Removed makeup . Lastly went to TM to eat lunch with Joycelyn , Caroline and Eileen . Wanted to take neoprints but no home clothes D: So yeah . In the end went home . Wanted to take bus 81 but when i went there i was the only one there . So i walk back all the way to bus 39 . The bus came but the bus haven reach the point . The old man beside me said " You dun want to go ? The bus is there ? " Wtf the bus still so far . So i said " the bus will come here . " He repeat his sentence again . Then i was like " No no never mind you go first " Then the bus came he board the bus i was behind him and he saw me saying " I thought you dun wanna board the bus why you still come ? " I was like " O.O ? " Speechless . Went home and then now blogging .

Monday, August 23, 2010

Well , let's see how long you and your "innocence" can hold .
In the end you're just a bitch who goes around bitching about people .
Yeah i know your acting skills are great . But let me tell you , it doesn't hold for long .
Trust me . Truthfully to be honest , there are many out there hating you .
Whatever it is , if you can't be perfect stop going around bitching about people .
If you're just a bitch like those out there ,
Try reflecting on yourself first before saying others .
Do you know why ? Because you maybe the worst among all the bitches .
I never expected i would feel this way towards you
You made me feel so disgusted about your facts .
However thankyou for letting me know your true colours .

Sunday, August 22, 2010



School's starting tomorrow , i've not even started on my homework .
How great yeah ? Gonna be mugging it later . xD
I'm feeling so stressed up . Things haven't been going right .
Mood recently is super down i'm trying to force a smile out on my face .
Trying to be as hyper as i can be .
But no matter how hard i try , it isn't as easy as i thought .
It's not easy to get a place in everyone's heart too .
Well , i'm starting to feel that i've lose everything .
Sigh . I'm really sick and tired of facing the same thing everyday .
If only i could turn back time .
Maybe what ______ said was true ,
Maybe i should go up to you and tell you how i really feel .
But it's easy to say but hard to do .
Whatever it is , i just hope things will turn out better .

Monday, August 16, 2010


Boy , i miss you . I dun care anymore , i really don't .
I know i haven been keeping my promises by saying i would forget you .
But till now , i have finally realised .
Forgetting you isn't as easy as forgetting to bring something .
And if i could rewind time , i would boost my courage to tell you
I love you , instead of asking you what you mean . I was wrong please forgive me .

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fucking bastard , please luh it's seriously none of your business . You want talk big go somewhere else luh . Everytime also come infront of me talk crap . What the fucking hell you want ? Come on luh , get a life .
I'm seriously need some rest now . Today was a unconfortable day , had the intention to skip school but decided not to . Imma good girl xD English was alright , maths was horrible i couldn't understand a single thing adding the pain from my head is utterly BAD ! D: Science as usual , SUPER boring >< ! Recess today was a quiet one . Next chinese LLP came into our class O: Had to put on a "mask" and become a extremely good girl Hmmpft i dun like it at all ! History was alright though we had to do homework and all . Chinese dance is SUPER TIRING today . She changed and added alot of new steps to our dance . Practically hard ! Until now i'm still blur about the dance steps and all . I seriously have to start mugging my homework from tomorrow . Ciaos people , i wanna get some rest !

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I’m falling in love with you again ,Is fate always that cruel ?

I told myself tearing for you isn’t worth but my heart think of it another way .

I’m gone , I’ve practically lose myself to you .

Promise me you will stay by me will you , cause I need you .

Why ? Why must you always step into my life .Why did I even meet you ?

We’re moving around in circles meeting the point we have once stepped .

Regaining the pain we have once felt , it hurts but I somehow like the way it hurts .

You always said sorry and sorry and sorry , but all I hear was a sorry .

Nothing more , sometimes I really wish I could get something more sincere

Rather than a sorry each time .Well , if you’re just going to toy me once more .

Making me go through the pain to forget you once more .

Then just shut you crap because I would rather give up the thought of even loving you .

Than to get hurt once more .

I’m really confused , vexed , frustrated . Now you tell me what you really want .

You ignore me awhile ago and now we’re talking to each other like as though we’re love birds .

I can’t hold anymore longer .I’m tired of your crap , I’m really tired .

I’m on the verge of breaking down do you know . Do you ever understand ?

You say you can tell I’m troubled but why aren’t you caring as much as the others ?

Sometimes I really wonder what am I to you ? Do you even love me .

Or are you saying all these to me just to convince me ?

Seriously tell me what you want ?