Friday, March 27, 2009

Hi hi people , yesterday feel so sick but today MAYBE feeling better hehe !! Yesterday I supose to go SHOPPING but then so many homework so aiya i give up i stay at home do ! ANYWAYS let me show ur something when my mom , sis , dad were out .
wow , gottcha !! Mummy holding Daddy arm hahas!!

Opps , holding hands ?? how sweet !!

Took a photo ?? nice 1 hehe

Credits goes to Rachel for photos.(Jie Jie)

WOW, finally caught them holding hands hehe !!Good job jie , of taking them down hehe . My sis went to square 2 yesterday to buy lots of korean stuff , cause she just so crazy of them !=.= hehe . Bored yesterday like got fever lorhhs , felt so cold but body so warm , head so pain .HAHAS .Haiz , ........ will u really not change ur heart ?? I really wonder , I would like to tell u but i dont know how to ? Since ur friend say that it not easy for u to say that 3 word for u , then arent thing the same for me ? Why must u be so silly to think that i wouldnt fall for u ? Nvm , but now i really dont know i know i would lose u if we're just going leave it but maybe if really it like that then i can only say it FATED TO BE LIKE THAT ! I just hope u can just tell me first I promise i will not reject u ! hahas but once again maybe it can NEVER happen ! okies , today went to tution got 92 for spelling .*Proud of myself * hehe JOKING !! YAY can't wait for 2morrow , i'm going to SEE my darlings FAHRENHEIT !!!!! Getting autographs hehe !! YES cant wait really so let wait for 2morrow . AND ........ please just tell me that ! Cause we would'nt want to see ian explode hahas !! :] okies cya

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Opps , SORRY people didnt update yesterday very busy the whole day got things hehe . Haiz school had started and it not too bad at least, i can still cope well hahas but for the next few weeks i dont know if i can carry on this good behaviuor , HOPE SO , so lets see ya ??!
HAIZ !! SIGH , exams coming in 6 weeks time going to die it such a short term lahhs , hope THIS TIME CAN PASS WITH FLYING COLOURS ..( not expecting so high marks but to improve from the previous .)Okies , i guess i should'nt talk about school already cause NOW i want to play game hehe ! :) so try to work hard jia you ! And btw just to add on , ........ don't give me that looks ya ?? And in the first place wasn't even smiling at u lahs?? u want to flirt with the girl beside u IT NONE OF MY BUSINESS BUT DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOKS , I DO NOT LIKE IT YA ?? THANK U

Sunday, March 22, 2009

HAIZ , boring school starting in just less then a day ! I don't want , how I wish holidays would not end so fast as i havent settle something yet hehe !

Heys ..... , I know Fairytales are fake , but there are some people who are living in a NORMAL world getting their happiness okies , so wht do u call that , not getting their happiness ??. MAYBE not for U, but then once again so what if i think that those fairytales are real it my PROBLEM NOT URS !! MAYBE he doesnt like me but so what , it doesnt mean tht if tht person doesnt like u , u can't like the person , Right ??! But for ur info i'm not admitting that i like that person okies?? BTW , I really dont know lahhs , but i find that u guys are really very weird , it like ur are suddenly telling me this and that , actually in the first place i shouldnt believe ur and starting falling in love with ........ lahs or maybe just keep thinking of him lahhs .And stop calling me all those names , PLEASE , cause DONT TEST ME !! I really can't stand all those stupid names , if someone tht is my bf call me tht still ok lahhs but then we're just NORMAL friends , OR MAYBE JUST CLASSMATES only SO STOP IT, ITS REALLY IRRITATING and DISGUSTING !! I 'm SORRY lahhs if u didnt mean it but it really FREAKS me out i warn u but u didnt listen u think i wht ?? PLAYING WITH U IS IT ??! SO I WISH THIS CAN STOP AND THANK YOU .. :@ AND I"M SORRY IF U FEEL ANGRY OR HURT but i trying to not say it lahs as in tryng to keep it to myself , but i really can't , if u dont feel like reading then so be it , but just for ur info this is my blog , u dont like it u can go out cause this is the only place i can say wht i want to say . AND I'M NOT TRYING TO SAY THAT I'M VERY GOOD OR WHATEVER I'M JUST TRYING TO TELL U STOP CALLING ME THAT , NO MATTER WHT I'M NOT TRYING TO FIND FAULT OR HURT UR FELLINGS OR ECT OF WHT U THINK I JUST WANT U TO STOP IT I HAD EXPLIAN ABOVE ALREADY .

okies , i think i gtg and cya :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi everyone , yesterday was like a so bad day ..
First when i woke up got scolded until cry , later went out to e-hub with my dearest friends :Rachel , Suan Wen , Clarance ,Brian and Travis ...
I got there with travis first then later Rachel came , next is brain and next Clarance and lastly Suan wen ..Haiz i don't want to say anymore but if Ur think it my fault then sorry if not then nevermind . haiz dont want to think about those anymore gtg cya

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Haiz , bored !! U know what ppl say tht u like me but what i c is totally different from what i really see lahhs . I may be jealous but so what ?! I dont know who i should believe cause it confusing . U claim that u like someone from our class , but i really can't believe it cause it so different from wht i really c . Fine , it seem like as IF NOW IT ALL MY FAULT , maybe yes , it all happen all because of me but i just want to say this once and for all "dare to love ,dare to confess" . Fine maybe the girl was not me , so i guess it useless saying all this craps

AND next thing , for those bunch of girls let me tell u all first , DONT TEST MY PATIENCES okies, we didnt started all those craps first okies .. hey u r the one who say u dont friend that person and so on .. we help u but yet within in a short moment u say tht u friend her again u think we can take it so fast ?? Maybe u can , but we can't .. U say that erin was bad , cruel and ... but think for urself we didnt start all that okies ..Ur now hate me and my gang but think first lahhs who started those . Fine we may be at fault not to tell u the reason why we didnt friend one of ur member in ur gang , but let me tell u , in the letter tht ur gave us .. We didnt say any bad words , ur did okies if ur say tht we are very bad cruel and scold us STFU , then reflect on ur self first . We'r not trying to say tht we are very good but really think first who started all those stupid craps okies ?Fine if u really think ur are not at fault , fine i really dont know wht to say ...
okies , i gtg , cya ppl

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ARHHHS!!!!! can i really forget u ??
why?In the first place u and i were my enemies in mother tougue class last year .. and then got to seat near u , finally understand u hahas .But not long later treated u as a friend and now fell in love with u .. Now forgetting u but u just sank too deep inside my heart .. I DONT KNOW HOW TO STOP my naive thinking !! Someone just help me out of this !! When i look at u i cant help it but to smile i know i supose to just forget u but i cant !!!At first u were just my substitute but now ?? i don't know anymore .. okies nevermind maybe i'll just take the blame .. I am sorry i think i just cannot forget u !! BUT I WILL TRY HARD TO STOP MY NAIVE THINKING AND MOVE ON ,someone ask me to delete all ur message i wish i could but if i did ur would never see my smile if i'm alone..

From the start i guess we're just not meant to be hahas ..

today went to tution so boring when coming back saw cheng hei so unluckily .. hahas
so pai seh hahas okies cya

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hi ppl , sorry long long time never blog Le maybe cause very busy bahhs .. CA1 just over finally can relax le lahhs hahas , i pass all my subjects , i am so so so damm happy , though i just pass my subject but i have made a big big improvement especially for my math paper :) . I am very glad that i can pass my exams , but i still have a very long way to reach my A and A* so i must work hard!

Btw i promise someone that i will think about a question very seriously after CA1 but i guess i need not already cause i think that person is closer to .. and i think i should really just forget the person cause i think it useless and if i continue thinking about it like this, i'm being a stupid fool for being so naive when it all just rumours passing by .. I think that there is someone more suitable for him and they are quite close maybe all this while it was just my naive thinking. That person really doesn't like me .. So i really have thought about it and i think this is the best way not to be naive anymore by letting u go and i'll just move on and never look back if i really cant i will just keep u in my bottom of my heart and try to not look back at the THOSE moments .. MAYBE ALL THIS WHILE THIS IS JUST A STUPID MISTAKE MADE BY HEAVEN .. SO I'LL MOVE ON AND HOPE U AND .. WILL BE TOGETHER AND HAPPY with her wish Ur all the best :).

Anyways i am going to e-hub with friends for the march holidays can't wait ! HAHAS .. but got supp. class also =.= nvm lahhs just tolerate anyways PSLE is coming Le i should buck up and stop complaining hehe ^^ okays i think that all for now cya ^^jia you i cna do it hahas ..